Announcing the 4th annual Trillium Trophy Trout Event!

Announcing the 4th annual Trillium Trophy Trout Event!

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jimmy said:
canoe get's dropped on the truck tomorrow afternoon and I plan on leaving dark thirty wed. morning. unless I get jumpy and boogy out tomorrow............

You mean o dark thirty Thurs morn? Tomorrow is Wednesday :lol:.

I know what you meant See you there.

Ill be there tomorrow evening 90% thursday morning 10%........Effin pumped 100%
I'm in
I am SO IN! :dance:
Ok...I'm minutes from leaving for the lake. I'll keep you informed the best I can. For those of you that need an idea about the cost for camping, I came up with this plan last year and it seemed to work out. I will be paying the camp host $80.00 for 4 nights. That includes my vehicle. But if I take out 4 nights of vehicle fee at 8 bucks a night I would pay 32 dollars for my vehicle. I then average out the campsite cost (remainder @ $48.00) for as many of us are in the site . So if seven of us are there it would be 7 bucks each regardless of how many nights you stay. Remember, in addition you will need to square up with the camp host for your vehicle. 8 bucks/night. Hope you think this works.

See ya'll later!
The truck is loaded and the toon is secured to the trailer. 13.5 hrs and counting till liftoff.:D
Hello everyone, Carrie Ann here, Jim's wife.. He wanted me to let you know that the campsites where we were last year, was open and available.
Jim is in the same spot we were in last year #62, over by the dam, the camp host will let Jim have a few extra tents up, like last year.
I will be up on Friday night with my son Cody and girlfriend Nicole.
Hope to see you there.
Carrie Ann
OnTheFly said:
Hello everyone, Carrie Ann here, Jim's wife.. He wanted me to let you know that the campsites where we were last year, was open and available.
Jim is in the same spot we were in last year #62, over by the dam, the camp host will let Jim have a few extra tents up, like last year.
I will be up on Friday night with my son Cody and girlfriend Nicole.
Hope to see you there.
Carrie Ann

I am really tempted to come up! I might still make it! If so, it will be Saturday afternoon! Please tell Jim I said hello! :)
ninja2010 said:
kimberley's happy.

It was awesome seeing you guys again...wish I could have stayed longer.
A great gathering as usual...:clap:well, except for the river running through the campsite during and after the little storm. :doh: I believe I brought in the heaviest "catch". :whistle: I pulled up a nearly new mushroom anchor with it's own carry bag. Autofisher is happy to have an anchor for the toon. :D
That is a great catch Barb.
Just got home.
Hell of a trip, will post stories and pics later.

Thank You Jim!
Aarrgh! Where are my manners?! :shock: :redface: A huge THANK YOU to Jim and Carrie for another fantastic adventure!! :clap: :clap: :clap: Well, except for the rain and hornets...:shy: :wall: :naughty: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Had a good time!! And, as Barb said, Thank you Jim and Carrie for another fun gathering. Posting my pics soon.
Awesome time as always! I went to bed Saturday night(Sunday morning?) with a belly ache from laughing so hard.
eggs said:
Awesome time as always! I went to bed Saturday night(Sunday morning?) with a belly ache from laughing so hard.
The campfire always makes the trip worthwhile. :dance: It is almost as great as the fishing with so many friends! :D
Forgot to add that lightning struck a tree not more than 60 feet from my front door while I was gone! :shock: Being wet and cold sounds better than getting struck by lightning, now that I think of it. :lol: Puts it in perspective, huh?
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For all of you river salmon fishermen, I would appreciate it if you would postpone your annual pre fall ceremonial voodoo rain dance until after our Trillium trip. I know it's getting close for the fall fish to arrive but last Thursday was uncalled for. You sent a few of our members home early and made a Super Mod really upset. So next year, when you start to think about smearing yourselves with sardine and herring oil then dressing up in waders and praying to the rain Gods, have a little consideration for our OFF members up at Trillium.

Thank you.
Well the 4th annual Trillium trip is history. Despite the rain, I think we had a bunch of fun and made the best of it. It was great spending time with old friends and a few new ones. Thank you all for coming up to Trillium and making it happen.

I wish I had more pictures but the weather and low trophy catch rate didn't allow for too many good ones. I hope others have more to post.

Pic #1 Troutmasta Jeff with Mrs. Troutmasta Ashley with fish on.
Pic# 2 Troutmasta with landed fish.
Pic# 3 Day after the rain storm.
Pic# 4 Saturday night campfire.
Pic# 5 Eggs.
Pic# 6 Myself
Pic# 7 jimmy
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Hey.....which one of you left a whistle/pepper spray belt clip at camp?
I had a great time as did my wife, Ashley, and my brother, Keeagan. It was Awesome to meet everybody.

First OFF Jim it was a blast to stay up WAY to late every single night drinkin and crying laughing. The war with the yellow jackets was awesome, I was wounded numerous times, and I know you got a good picture of the electric flyswatter?!? (insert here) Thanks for all the fire wood and vacuum packing the wife and I's 2 Largest Fish of the whole weekend:dance: we both loved learning the fly rod. The flys were beautiful and can't wait for more.

Mecca Jimmy you da man! Great conversations, freebasing candybars, bejeweld talons, epic redsides...Get ready for some nook blood and I'll bring my camera out with you. Hope you found your smokes.

Ninja Jimmy you are a trooper! Thanks for letting me operate on your hand with pliers!:shock: (WAY passed the barb, in the knuckle)

Barb you rock! Sorry the tent got wet...both of em. :( Weezer is the man.

Rose you are very nice! Trout RULE! Sorry you had to stop fishing.

IrishRover, Nice Boat

The two I met the first night..can't remember your names :think:, PLEASURE, been waiting for a while. The rivers didn't rise enough J, I got dabs for the next bout S. Peace guys get dry.

Timber Todd wouldnt let me get a word in. ;)

Jose....Jose...are you out there.....Who are you??? Assure us you are real! If only Jim had fixed your reel:lol: JK great post!

All the other ladies including Ava and Cheetoh, Until next time!!

:clap:Thanks On The Fly:clap:

A Happy Wife is a Happy Life!
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