Announcing the 4th annual Trillium Trophy Trout Event!

Announcing the 4th annual Trillium Trophy Trout Event!

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Rain??? What rain Saturday was a beautiful day.:lol: The fishing that evening was good and the band from the wedding just added to the fun.
I unfortunately didn't get any pictures I know Rose did though. I had an awesome time for the two nights I was there. I can't thank Jeanna enough letting my broke ass ride up with her. And Jim you out did yourself again. Reserving that same spot was really great, along with that epic salsa! Good times were had by all! It was good meeting new and old friends up there.
It was great fun, as usual. Thanks again, Jim and Carrie! It was a very wet time this year but was still fun. Of course we left on the day the sun came out. Got home and had sunburned legs....go figure. I started this last night and clicked the wrong thing and lost all the they are:

When the clouds cleared...before the storm


A river runs through it

Our soaked tent...that had a lake of its own inside

Shane's waterbed :(

Keeping dry

yep....I beat Shane

The Condo

Oh and the bees and stung by one of each within 4 seconds of each other. It was great seeing old friends, meeting new friends and hanging out. And yes, Jose where are you?


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Jim...I swear I wasn't responsible for the rain dance, this time. Ask Jeff, I don't want it until I'm able to fish for two more weeks. I think I got angry when someone said they were gonna chase the salmon before me lol, that wild turkey and tequila. I wish I didn't have to work this weekend and could have stayed to see the rest of the gang again sounds like the good times happened after we left. Epic bummer.

Also did anyone find a bright red titanium MSR tent stake? Looks like I left a soldier behind in my haste to get the eff out of the flood zone.
Okay, now I'm bummed no one took a pic of my only catch...:( :lol: For those who didn't make it this time, you were all missed. For those who have never made it to one of the amazing OFF get together' are missing out on way too much fun! And, no, I don't mean drink 'til you drop fun. :rolleyes: There is so much to learn from each other, even the seasoned folks learn a few new things each year. We gather to swap tales, play horse balls :D and take an occasional nip, around the campfire, only after a day on the water, not before...we share food, flies, gear, tents and fresh hot coffee on a "freeze your soggy ass" kind of morning. Thanks Rose and Ninja/Kimberly for bringing coffee pots! :clap: I don't think I would have survived without you two! Ashley, I hope your hiney is better...:shy: I will let Ashley explain after she joins OFF. Jose and Carl, I'm hoping you follow through and become members,too. Jimmy, I will see you at Mecca Flats, for sure! Jeff, I am terrible at remembering usernames, but glad you made it up. If we missed mentioning anyone, please chime in and let us know. Next damn rain dances! :wall: See y'all next year!
Woz, I missed your mug and your biscuits! :( We just gotta figure a way to get you back to Oregon! :D
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For all of you river salmon fishermen, I would appreciate it if you would postpone your annual pre fall ceremonial voodoo rain dance until after our Trillium trip. I know it's getting close for the fall fish to arrive but last Thursday was uncalled for. You sent a few of our members home early and made a Super Mod really upset. So next year, when you start to think about smearing yourselves with sardine and herring oil then dressing up in waders and praying to the rain Gods, have a little consideration for our OFF members up at Trillium.

Thank you.

ROTFL!!! One of the best OFF posts ever!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
While I'm disappointed work cancelled my vacation and I was unable to make it up there part of me is relieved I didn't have to experience that weather. :lol:

I'll be heading up this week instead.
What a great day. Made it up there for the day. Not a whole lot of catching but plenty of fishing and hanging out with ya all. Next year will be camping for sure. Barb, Thanks for letting me hang out with ya all on the bank. It was fun. I only got some early morning pics. Tried to post pics. But some reason it didn't work. They are on my home page. Trillium 2013.

I can not believe ya'll wanted to go to bed so early Saturday night.. See ya'll at Carp Camp!

I was up till 3:00 the night/morning before and that was on day 4 of pure drinkin....and fishing.

2:30 is a respectible time....or maybe I am just getting old.

Anyway! It was a blast my gut did hurt from laughing!

And Jim its true it was I doing the rain dance not Jeanna.....She can't fish:lol: for 2 more weeks:lol:
What a great day. Made it up there for the day. Not a whole lot of catching but plenty of fishing and hanging out with ya all. Next year will be camping for sure. Barb, Thanks for letting me hang out with ya all on the bank. It was fun. I only got some early morning pics. Tried to post pics. But some reason it didn't work. They are on my home page. Trillium 2013.

Whew! Thanks for being cool about my lack of memory,Jeff. :redface: I enjoyed our conversations and the good laughs had at other people's expense...:whistle: :lol: see you next year!
I was up till 3:00 the night/morning before and that was on day 4 of pure drinkin....and fishing.

2:30 is a respectible time....or maybe I am just getting old.

Anyway! It was a blast my gut did hurt from laughing!

And Jim its true it was I doing the rain dance not Jeanna.....She can't fish:lol: for 2 more weeks:lol:

well plans change and I'm fishing Thursday and Friday so thanks for that rain dance after all ;) but IT WASN'T ME! Lol
for all of you river salmon fishermen, i would appreciate it if you would postpone your annual pre fall ceremonial voodoo rain dance until after our trillium trip. I know it's getting close for the fall fish to arrive but last thursday was uncalled for. You sent a few of our members home early and made a super mod really upset. So next year, when you start to think about smearing yourselves with sardine and herring oil then dressing up in waders and praying to the rain gods, have a little consideration for our off members up at trillium.

Thank you.

Yellowjacket Wars

Yellowjacket Wars

Upon arriving at our campsite at Trillium, you couldn't help but notice the hum of bees throughout the area. Activity like that usually means one thing; there is a hive close by. Troutmasta found the first one as he was chopping firewood near a small old stump. The bees were not amused and drew first blood by stinging him repeatedly. It was war! So we waited. Nighttime...and all the bees were safe in their underground nest. Not so. Armed with gasoline and a lighter, we launched our counter attack. At least two cups of fuel was poured down the hole of the beehive, fire was applied and we all drank beer and high fived as we watched those little yellow bastards burn. We had won. What was left was an eternal flame much like the one seen at the Kennedy Memorial at Arlington.

The next day, we were all looking forward to enjoying ourselves in what we thought was going to be peaceful time from a dramatic reduction in the yellowjacket population. We were wrong. lilsalmon gets stung on her leg near her tent at the opposite end of the campsite well away from the burned out hive. Again, Troutmasta located the second bees nest at the base of a small tree. We decided to make a new approach. This time, we came at them with a battery operated electric fly swatter capable of generating an estimated 1000volts DC. The only way this would be effective would be a day assault when the annoying little poopheads were coming and going. A rubber band was snapped across the activation button on the swatter and we placed it over the bee hole. Within seconds visible bright white flashes and snapping pops were heard on the grid of the fly swatter. Again, houls of 'OH YEAH!!' were heard followed by popping beers and high fives. As we watched, the bees started to pile up on the energized screen of death. Troutmasta retrieved the weapon with a fishing rod and a lure so we could inspect the carnage. It was amazing.

Later that night we finished it with more gasoline and flame. We dug out the underground bee condo and to our surprise, there were very few bees left. The electric fly swatter had pretty much zapped'm all.

Jeff, you're the man!


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I should have been there to stay up all night!!

That's what I am saying... those sissys just couldn't hang! We would have showed them how to finish out a camping trip!

The sweetest part about the gas bee hive was how you stomp around the tree and the flame would jump 3 or 4 time in size then shrink back down.
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