So have to say it was a good day at the OFF hole, no one seemed to be hooking in to the fish besides for one person and he was hot today that's for sure. Drifter was the man of the day at the OFF hole.
Banked his first one a little early and it didn't stop there, not to sure how many he got in too today but he was nice enough to pass his rod to people that have been having them hated skunk days. He first popped the cherry of two of his friends, and then popped my budies cherry as well (little dawg). Was great to see him get to feel the fight for his first time, nice size clipped steelie to but the hook got the gill plate so that one had to go back in. Felt a little bad he had to let it back but at least he got to have some fun with one.
After them three I wasn't getting in to any fish today so he handed one off to me, was a fun little fish and also my first time using a bait caster set up (yeah now I have to have one I like it). The one he handed to me ended up being a nat so had to send it back out. The last one that I know of him getting in to he handed off to Fishtoper, looked to be the largest one of the day. Gave him a few head shakes and a flip in the air and got off.
All in all a good day at the OFF hole in the group we had there witch none of us made plans with eachother to meet there, we had myself (BigDog), Fishtodher, Drifter, Little Dawg, Adombomb (I think thats how that was) Kirkster and Starion87le. I think I got everyone in there.

Banked his first one a little early and it didn't stop there, not to sure how many he got in too today but he was nice enough to pass his rod to people that have been having them hated skunk days. He first popped the cherry of two of his friends, and then popped my budies cherry as well (little dawg). Was great to see him get to feel the fight for his first time, nice size clipped steelie to but the hook got the gill plate so that one had to go back in. Felt a little bad he had to let it back but at least he got to have some fun with one.
After them three I wasn't getting in to any fish today so he handed one off to me, was a fun little fish and also my first time using a bait caster set up (yeah now I have to have one I like it). The one he handed to me ended up being a nat so had to send it back out. The last one that I know of him getting in to he handed off to Fishtoper, looked to be the largest one of the day. Gave him a few head shakes and a flip in the air and got off.
All in all a good day at the OFF hole in the group we had there witch none of us made plans with eachother to meet there, we had myself (BigDog), Fishtodher, Drifter, Little Dawg, Adombomb (I think thats how that was) Kirkster and Starion87le. I think I got everyone in there.