The hangover!!!

Wooo, spent today pretty fowled up!!! Kilt a deer thursday so I figured I deserved to get all buggered up friday....Damn am I dumb! The nausea finally subsiding abot noon or so!

Set out on a failed deer hunt. The plan was to boat upriver to an inaccessible stretch of wood, let David and Jessica out to deer hunt while I probed the main for coho and then picked them up when they were done. Well the deer hunting sucked but I found a pretty good pod of Ho's and a few chinook! We started out in one boat and then went home and returned in another after lunch. Good day!!! We wound up with 7 Ho's and 2 chinook....and one beauty of a cutthroat!

This is the 1st time David has been back to the Burg since the 3rd week of sept. so it was nice to get him on the water!
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