Spring trout fly swap


Well-known member

With Spring coming and a lot of rivers opening soon I thought a few OFFers would enjoy getting some new flies to try out.
This swap will focus on trout. Acceptable flies will include: Nymph, emerger, dry, and streamer. Your choice.

The format will be the same as other swaps. We'll get a count of the participants. Each person then produces *two (2x) identical reproduction for each of the other members. (example: if 5 take part, it means your tying for 4 others = 8 flies @ 2 apiece) They need to be mailed to the swap host along with return postage included to complete the swap.

The timeline will go as follows: We will give 1 week for interested participants to post that they are "in". The End date for entries will be March 7th.

Participants will then all be notified how many flies they need to tie, and where to send them. Everyone will get 5 weeks to have their flies finished and mailed in March 20th.

I will then get everyone's flies sent back out to them within a week.

The limit on participants will be set at 11 (for a max of 20 flies to tie). Committed entries only please. :)

If your interested simple post "I'm in".
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depends on how many people join because im low on hooks but have materials ill give a yes or no when we get a good idea of how many people are in this one..
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shouldnt we each state what we will be tying to prevent two or more people tying the same thing? im doing a rubber legged ice dub pheasant tail (march brown/all purpose nymph size 12)
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shouldnt we each state what we will be tying to prevent two or more people tying the same thing? im doing a rubber legged ice dun pheasant tail (march brown/all purpose nymph size 12)

Good Idea!!

I'm tying a Juice Weasel, or wait a Flaming Banana Thrower, no way a Strawberry Shortcake Angry Dragon! Hell I don't know yet? Good idea though. :)
Good Idea!!

I'm tying a Juice Weasel, or wait a Flaming Banana Thrower, no way a Strawberry Shortcake Angry Dragon! Hell I don't know yet? Good idea though. :)
I'm passing on this swap but I was wondering if you use possum pelt guard hares for that Juice Weasel pattern? I always do. Gives it that 'buggy' look.
How many days do we have left to tie? Still need to set my desk back up again and make it just as messy as before, then I'll be able to crank some out! :)
Technically we have tell April 19th, but that is pretty far out there. If everyone gets their flies into me early I can get them returned within that week of receiving the last person's flies.
I am eager to get in on one of these but as of yet my tying skills are still really green. Perhaps next one.
Do you know the amount of crap I could tie in that time, that's too much time, maybe bump up the date or I may be filling your fly boxes. :)

I'm sure I'll be throwing in a few extras, especially when I get into a tying binge, and work better under pressure, watch out...... :)
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