Bank fisherman's lunch

I was wondering what kind of lunches make a bank fishermans day even more enjoyable whether he is catching fish or not? I am looking for some new ideas on lunches to bring with me to the rivers.

Favorite sandwich? Toppings?
Depends on what I'm fishing for, but if I'm just sitting there bobber fishing on a lake, no question about it, beef jerky.
If I'm out stalking salmon, usually something light, like a candy bar or somethin.
Tuna is always good! Make sure it has plenty of mayo and pickles in it.

It is eaten cold, tastes and smells like fish, so if you have fish smell on your hands, it blends right in.
I pack balagona sandwiches, chips a couple of mountain dews, two packs of smokes....I wait for the fish to move in, hand autofisher a sandwich, while hes eating I get to hook up.:dance:
Small is the key for me

Small is the key for me

Hickory Farms sausage roll (sliced),cheese in a can & crackers,chocolate covered mini doughnuts,deli turkey slices & cheese w/crackers,water and don't forget the lil squeeze bottle of Lemon Joy w/water and a dry towel. Oh,and don't forget your favorite candy bar like autofisher mentioned. :D
I pack balagona sandwiches, chips a couple of mountain dews, two packs of smokes....I wait for the fish to move in, hand autofisher a sandwich, while hes eating I get to hook up.:dance:

He's not lying either. Every time. Unless we're driving somewhere. BANG! FISH ON! Some day will be my day..... Oh yes sir, some day will be my day. Or I just gotta stop eating. :lol:
And if you're talkin breakfast munchies...... yer lookin at those little chocolate donuts by hostess, or poptarts......those rule
now were talking breakfast or when ever but Breakfast burritos stuffed with scrambled eggs, fried potatoes cooked in chorizo and some sharp cheddar cheese... mmmm thats to die for
I'm pretty health conscientious and like to have something that will fill me up and give me the energy I need. I will make two sandwiches with a lot of meat. I like to take a boneless skinless chicken breast that I have grilled (or steak, or good deli meat), slice it up and put it with some whole grain bread, dijon, low fat swiss (costco), sliced onion, lettuce or fresh spinach and avocado if I have it on hand. I stay away from tomatoes since they make the bread soggy.

For the sugar and salt craving, I will throw a small bag together with cashews, mini pretzels, chocolate chips or m&m's if handy.

For my drink, I mix up a half gallon of my sports recovery drink which is essentially water and flavored amino acids. There's no sugar in it.

All of the combined gives me all the good stuff for the energy I need for the day and does a body good. And I hope to have some smoked salmon in my bag soon too. :D
Clean and dry out a small Gatorade or Juice bottle with the wide lid, and pour in your favorite sunflower seeds to snack on. With the lid screwed on, it's water tight for rainy days, and keeps the unused portion from going stale between trips.

Otherwise it's sammich, jerky, a few candy bars, water and/or Gatorade. :dance:

Cold pizza is a definite winner if I have any on tap.
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