
i live in an apartment complex that is on the upscale end you might say...and people looked at me like i was frigging insane when i was out there with a flaslight looking for worms lol it was priceless
i live in an apartment complex that is on the upscale end you might say...and people looked at me like i was frigging insane when i was out there with a flaslight looking for worms lol it was priceless

That's funny. I have a story like that too but I don't want to get this thread totally off topic.
In my area thar are som folks that raise worms, then sell them to small bait stores, hardware stores, small grocery stores, etc, etc.........................:D
LOL! I Just read the pm about your story, that's awesome.

I'm going to go out tonight and get some worms and hit up somewhere this week after work with my little 'toon and try for some trout, I haven't gone fishing since I broke my steelhead rod, and I need to feel something on the other end of my line. Not sure where I want to go yet, but it'll be close due to lack of gas funding.
i live in an apartment complex that is on the upscale end you might say...and people looked at me like i was frigging insane when i was out there with a flaslight looking for worms lol it was priceless

That's funny. I was doing that last night in my complex. A couple people walked by and I was just wondering what they thought I was doing. They crawl out on to the sidewalk here when it's really wet, so it's easy to grab 'em. I think I caught a potential state record nightcrawler last night!
You sure those arent earthworms? Nightcrawlers dont normally come out in the day, even if it is raining really hard... :think:
I gots a few foot longers.
I have a compose pile in my backyard. Seems like an endless supply of worms for me. All different shapes and sizes. Way better than the generic store bought worm. Could someone clarify the difference between a nightcrawler and an earthworm?
imho......i think of a nightcrawler as a larger worm

for an earthworm i think redworm................................:lol::lol::lol:................................:cool::cool::cool:
You sure those arent earthworms? Nightcrawlers dont normally come out in the day, even if it is raining really hard... :think:
I gots a few foot longers.

Night crawler is just a common name for an earthworm. And Earthworms are seen on the surface after rain storms flood the soil because, despite needing a moist environment to allow the diffusion of gases across their skin membrane, where the soil becomes saturated they begin to drown. To protect themselves they escape to the surface, but if the ground is un-naturally hard they may after become stranded and die from exposure. This is why they are seen in places like Bfishin's driveway after a storm. However, this theory is not applicable to certain earthworm species that can survive immersion for several days in oxygenated water.

Another theory is that the worms may be using the moist conditions on the surface to travel more quickly than they can underground, thus colonizing new areas more quickly. Since the relative humidity is higher during and after rain, they do not become dehydrated. This is super crazy in the daytime, since earthworms die quickly when exposed to direct sunlight with its strong UV content, and are more vulnerable to predators such as Thuggin4Life.
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