Winter Chinook!!

Hooked up with a monster nook in the upper river this morning. It bit a pink steelhead jig of all things. Fought it hard for at least 15 minutes before it politely returned my jig to me. My GL2 is 10-40lb, 10'6" and it was doubled over big time. My arm will be sore in the morning for sure, but I won't let it slow me down!!
very intresting. sounds like it was an epic battle. a late chinook is always a pleasent suprise. thanks for sharing your story
very intresting. sounds like it was an epic battle. a late chinook is always a pleasent suprise. thanks for sharing your story

From what I understand, this fish was not late for anything!! The brief glimpse it gave me was CHROME!! I guess there is more than one coastal river with a winter Chinook run.
Thats sounds like a great battle. When that happens to me that makes even more determined get back out there and pursue the Monster. Good Luck and go get him!

From what I understand, this fish was not late for anything!! The brief glimpse it gave me was CHROME!! I guess there is more than one coastal river with a winter Chinook run.

wow. must have came in with all the rain we had. i heard winter chinook have a habbit of breaking rods. consider yourself lucky :lol:
Crazy. That's the second chinook I know of hitting a pink worm jig. I guess if you get it in their face they're gonna get angry and hit whatever lol but it's not anything you would ever expect, especially in January.
Its a little bit of both now that you mention it.... 13-pinkdang-er.jpg
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Ah ha. I've been tying a similar pattern but with a rabbit and short hackle collar. Natives and cutthroat seem to love it. Can't decide if it's more effective or not than just a jig head and plain worm. Was totally shocked to see a springer swallow a pink worm jig. Maybe there's somethin to it.
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