haha I have skipped so many damn beats due to these videos I'm conditioned to be weary of any clips that even seem to indicate a need to look closely...
Also, I was working on my amps one night and really into fixing the power rail. I'll save the long technical details and just say that in the intensity of the moment I had my face right down in the damn chassis when I turned it on in an effort to spot anything going wrong with a capacitor, and little did I know a point had come undone and when I turned it on an arc that works out to about 900 amps (450v/.50ohms approximately) lit off 3 inches from my damn face!! GAWD it was literally a blue dome about the size of a damn basketball and that is the closest I have ever come from completely going over backwards in my chair!!! Similar to the first time I got punked with one of these videos!!! Again, about 3 inches form my face!