Sandy River 2/12/10

Got this pretty lady at about 10 this morning after trying the tackle box and some. Went to my go to color which I call the NW SPECIAL and 5 seconds into the drift I got this native 8lb hen. First fish of the season on the bank. I missed a really nice take due to cheap dull hooks....Brads Anyhow not bad for only being on the water for around 3 hrs this year.
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Nice fish! I got one earlier today on the Sandy also. I already posted it, but I'll double it up anyway. I also had a takedown on a 4" pink worm under a bobber, but I should have rigged it with a trailer hook!
Here's my catch of the day on the Sandy! Landed one and lost one that was in the 15-20lb class after a long fight.
Heres a better pic of beaver fans :dance:and a pick of mine:think: NO BS the first one he hooked was all of 15 pnds fought it for over 1/4 mile downstream. It was on its fifth run out when FU and spit.
Yes the Sandy did put out a few fish. I wouldn't call it red hot or even hot at all but warming up. troutmasta and Beaverfan I think I saw you guys on your way out. Well done on killing the skunk :clap: I managed to pick one up as well.
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