Hills Creek Fishing And Camping

Spent last weekend with my whole family at Packard Creek. The lake seemed quite clear of bloom, with the exception of Middle Fork Arm, which still show a very slight indication of a bloom. The water was 64-65 degrees. The fishing was great from end to end. Trolling caught several nice rainbows and even a few small kokes by the damn. The water by the damn was crystal clear. The lake is only 2' shy of being full. Hope it can stay that way for awhile.
Thanks for the report, Greadyeagle. I've not heard of Packard Creek and couldn't seem to convince Google of its existence either. Is it located close to the reserivoir? :think:
By the way, welcome to the forum. I haven't seen your other posts, but will look for them.
Hills Creek is my most favorite place kind of. Good to hear it's coming back into shape for fishing. Thanks a million!!!

I thought this was a fishing site?????

I thought this was a fishing site?????

Mind you, this is solely my opinion, but I really don't think this is the website you should have chosen to send this link. I could be wrong, but you might want to check with Oregonfishingforum to see if this is appropriate.
Mind you, this is solely my opinion, but I really don't think this is the website you should have chosen to send this link. I could be wrong, but you might want to check with Oregonfishingforum to see if this is appropriate.
This guy is just a spammer. As you can see he joined today and made 4 posts, all the same link to his spam site.
debating on what lake to hit this weekend, either hills creek or fall creek res. would like to fish hills just cause ive never fished it that and have a full tank of gas in the boat
hit hills cr on saturday, darned near got blown off... no fishin, so i went to fall creek res... too much crap in the water, had to clean the grill on my jet every 100 yards of running
hit hills cr on saturday, darned near got blown off... no fishin, so i went to fall creek res... too much crap in the water, had to clean the grill on my jet every 100 yards of running

That doesn't sound too fun but still better than sitting at home or working.:D
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