Now this post is long over due but shortly after getting back from the yearly camping trip my mom turned off the internet. And shortly after we moved and all my pics stayed with her on her computer and my memory card got full so I took it out and been taking 9 pics on the camera and taking them down to her house and storing them and her computer doesn't have any kind of burner. Our laptop is fried and didn't want to fill up my roomates computer with all my pics but just got a flash drive and all my photos are on hand again. So we did the yearly Hills Creek camping trip which is always around the 4th of July. Me, Bfishin and a buddys little bro went up wednesday to get the spot with everyone else coming up thursday and friday. After not getting the good spot we made due with the spot available but had to move thursday after noon when a different spot cleared up and the more of the gang showed up and didn't want the spot we had last year so we moved reluctantly. I managed to fish thursday morning and every morning and evening until sunday night and stayed until monday morning when most left sunday afternoon. Managed to get just about everyone who wanted to go out on the boat out on the boat and everyone got a fish. Just about everyone got a 1+lber as well. I fished first legal ish to last legal ish every day taking the middle of the day off to hang out with everyone and eat cooked food instead of quick food on the boat. Somehow managing to partly late and get up with anywhere from 3-4 hours of sleep. I felt like a zombie at the end but it was worth it. Hardest part was cleaning all the fish and keeping them on ice so the could be smoked up. We even gave away some of the smaller ones to the little kids to be nice. We drove up and filled up gallon jugs with indigo spring water. and even made it out on the giant floating rafts for a miday party. Lake never glassed over except for one evening othe rthan that it had a bit of chop to it the entire time. We came home with like 10 or 12 1+lber trout and about 7 of the 11"-13" range and I got the biggest land locked chinook to date being a good 13 inches. We filled a smoke with not much room to spare and everyone who caught a fish got some fish and most got more than there share since I got most of the fish being out everytime and others gettin 1 or 2 trips. Can't wait for this years trip except due to people moving out of state and some babies being due its not until late july so its gonna be hot and the fishing probably will be slower. But At least I have the rd holders, downriggers, fish finder, bigger motor, and more gas tanks than last year so it will be a much better trip being in the boat. Funny how you don't notice what you are missing until you have it. Anyways enjoy the overdue pictures. Wish I would have gotten some of all the monkeys on the bridge fishing and some of the lake but this is when the camera filled up and had to start erasing pics to make room for more. We also release several small trout and chinooks 10" and under. You can refere to this trip as the Hills Creek Massacre. And any dates/times on the photos are wrong it was before I fixed the date/time stamp.
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