Depoe/Boiler fishing this weekend?

Yep, as in Sat. the 16. Geared up today and heading out in the AM. Low tide is, um, around 1 or 150. Figure we'll be fishing by noon and out, hopefully, till at least 2...

dunno what i'm doing
but i'm a pro at faking it till i make it
I imagine yu've already left, but if not PM me, i am right by Depot Bay. We caught 2 greenlings and a rock yesterday at Boiler Bay.
Yeah, told the wife, 5 more minutes, i'll pack up and we'll find dinner
that time ran out and I reallized I hadn't tried my white grubs there. shoot... slipped one on, told her, ok, 5 more casts, i wanted to try this one out.

First cast
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