Steelhead/Chinook Fishing Tomorrow @ Dodge?

So I'm gonna head out tomorrow morn 9/10 ish to do me some drift practicing @ Dodge Park on the Sandy RAIN or SHINE. Anybody who is interested I'll be there with the Blue Windbreaker and the Beanie. PM me if you need directions. GIT R DUN:cool:
Well I got a lot of work to do but really want to make it out. Maybe just maybe ill be able make it out for a quick trip.:pray::pray:
I'll be out there until at least 5:00pm - 6:00pm...Gonna pick up some coon shrimp and run some interesting rubber salmon eggs that I have. We'll see how it goes.
I was out by Dodge today with my oldest son. We were up at the garbage hole from three to five thirty. The place was like a ghost town, not complaining nice to have the place to yourself. The river was up nice and had good color. Good luck tomorrow.
Andy, soon enough you will be going out, and expecting to catch fish... Not the other way around. It is always nice to just be out, but it looks like you are building the basis to catch lots of fish... Confidence. Good luck man.
Hey guys just wanted to say super cool day on the river! I have to say it is better to have hooked up and lost than not hooked up at all. Kush and I both hooked up and lost them. Got mine on like the first 5 casts and kush hooked up right aftera huge downpore of rain. Both cromers and super hot fish. Hope to see you all on the river again soon!
o yea ill be there every now and then ;) kinda was cool 4 guys from here in one hole. just hope we will get one on the bank next time....
So what time did you guys leave. I got there just before four just as some folks were leaving. Stuck around through some rain squalls and even fished under the bridge during one heave down pour.
I was there until 3:30...SO in case you missed it. After a huge downpour and some bongloads in my car...I decided to get back out there with NINJA...SO on my first cast using just a corkie and a little rubber salmon egg Within 10 seconds OF MY Cast AND 1 TIME FEELING THE BOTTOM I felt the bite. I set the hook and it was on. Fought for a good 10 seconds then my line got snagged under a rock...After getting it dislodged (about 20 seconds later) I felt her tugging again and as I lifted my rod this beautiful Chromer came jumping out of the water about 10 feet from the bank I could clearly see my pink bait on her lip . At that exact moment I heard a crack and the line go dead. As I looked down on my 20 dollar Wal MArt Shakespeare 6 foot pole the top 4 inches had been cracked right off !!!! WAWAWEEEWAA !!! I ALSO HAD ANOTHER 20 DOLLAR REEL CRACK ON ME AND LOST ABOUT 30 DOLLARS WORTH OF TACKLE during the day BUT IT WAS well WORTH IT.


BTW....Bought myself a beautiful Berkely Buzz Ramsey AIR M7 ROD so I will be ready to go tomorrow. Also picked up some Waders !!! I can't wait !

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hey what time are you guys going to river side tomarrow i wa thinking about going out there tomarrow at first lite for a few hours
I may get up early and be there around 7-8am. 10am latest. I'll be the dude in the windbreaker and the Green Waders. PEace
um think it was around 4 430 they left a lil befor me.... were you fly fishing???
Yes I was usuing my 13' spey rod casting a big black fly. I was wearing brown waders and a tan coat. Drove up in a blue and white for F350 crew cab. I started fishing near the tailout.
ok yea i was the last one to take off in the pontiac you were parked next to... would of staid but dont know where my rain coat is and it started raining like that i was done delt with it for a hour once befor you got there and that was enough for me lol
ha! it was indeed a great day out. last time i was at dodge was over a year ago... and this time there were 3 peeps from OFF to fish with. how cool is that?

anyhow, skunkage for me (as usual) but it was a good day.

irish... i was the one driving the van as you pulled up with your flu rod. woulda said "hi" if i had known.

anyway, i'll be at riverside around 9ish... maybe start of at the rocks, and then hike over to the bend. i'll have two poles and a hat and a belt bag thingy...

see ya'll tomorrow.
here're a coupla pix...

left to right... youngbuck, one more, some guy not from OFF and pdxkush.


and here's pdxkush fish-on with one more providing moral support...

Rad pics Ninja. So I'll start out somewhere to the left of the boat ramp. Ive got waders now so look for me floating down the middle of the lake like a jackass :-). PEace
so guys they check water levels befor you leave make sure they are not to high if they are might mess up the bite... but ill still hit it for a lil while i like fishing in chocolete milk lol it was nice meeting you ninja see everyone tomorrow...and kush call me agen i hit the wrong buttion and lost your number....
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