Yes, EC has fish

Hit Oxbow this morning but the Sandy was super off color and I only fished it for a couple hours, although I did miss one on bobber and roe. Headed over to Eagle Fern to see if there were any fish, and I think it's so low I don't think a trout could live in it lol, kinda bad cuz there's usually some coho around there by now.

Then I went down to Bonnie Lure. Didn't fish the mouth of the creek but I fished it at the first log jam you encounter if you're walking from the parking lot. A bunch of fish in there and you could see the salmon in there, I spotted about 8 and there were definitely many more. Definitely not stacked but it's pretty much impossible for them to make it past the log jam until we get more rain, after this weekend should be a ton of fish in there.

Not many people besides a complete jerk (snagger of course) who was "fishing" a great hole by casting his huge weight and tiny piece of yarn across the river and proceeded to set the hook every other second. I don't know the specifics of flossing but every couple of casts he would cast it across the creek then reel it in super fast, he did that a few times in a row..anyone know what that does? Also he watched me as I was walking on the bank on the opposite side of the creek, I must have stepped on a wasp nest or something, and I got a few stings on my leg. Then he yells "oh yeah, looks like you found the wasp nest!" what a jerk. Couldn't he have told me or something? Lol, whatever. Then I snag and he said "oh ya theres a huge stump there, looks like you just found it". I was pretty mad, also what got me really mad is that his attempt at snagging fish completely spooked all the fish in that hole so pretty much the only way you could catch them was snagging.

I resorted to fishing above him, bunch of fish and I did miss one but it was getting later in the afternoon and it was getting to be time to leave. I talked to a guy at the end who said there were no fish in the whole creek, I told him I had seen a few and I showed him, he hooked one after about 50 casts but lost it almost right way.

Anyway, there are fish in EC right now and the rain tomorrow should really stack them up in the lower creek, or at least increase the amount of fish by a lot. I was surprised to see fall nooks in least that's what I thought they were, they were big and had black mouths.
Are waders needed an bonnie lure?
Not needed, but may open up a lot of access.
I hiked the creek back from the mouth up to the parking lot on Thursday, there were several fish in the creek but all I saw were spawning spring chinook.
Ya modest man, there were some chinook in there but I didn't see any spawning springers..the nooks I saw were pretty bright, but I did hear from a guy who (snagged) a pretty much dead springer that morning..Definitely some coho in there when I went, but not stacked..they were only in about the lowest parts of the creek, from what I saw no fish had even made it past the log jam.
sapo said:
Ya modest man, there were some chinook in there but I didn't see any spawning springers..the nooks I saw were pretty bright, but I did hear from a guy who (snagged) a pretty much dead springer that morning..Definitely some coho in there when I went, but not stacked..they were only in about the lowest parts of the creek, from what I saw no fish had even made it past the log jam.

All those nooks are springers- Theres no fall nooks in there-
troutmasta said:
Theres no fall nooks in there-

There's a precious handful.

Never seen them in EC, but the main river has a few. Sad, since the Clack used to be famous for the fall chinook runs.

My buddy caught a big one last fall. These gems should be handled with kid gloves if hooked. How wonderful would it be if that once huge native run came back?
The guys there told me they were fall nooks--I thought they were springers, they looked small for fall nooks.

It's not empty TD-the lower half mile or so has fish! Lol
troutmasta said:
Not in an empty EC-

Won't argue with that. They like plenty of water.

Upon further reading, it appears that the fall nooks are leftovers from hatchery fish from 50 years ago (since the dams pretty much ended the massive native runs).
any word on EC lately? is it worth trying above the eagle creek rd bridge or is any opportunity still down at bonnie lure?
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