Coho salmon on the Columbia river

I just happened to look on the Columbia river counts and noticed the first lonely coho salmon went over the dam on the 19th, and not a peep out of anybody. If the first one shot upriver already then I'm assuming the fish are begining to stack at bouy 10.:dance:and that means there are probably going to be fish at the mouth of the clack on Aug.1, if they aren't already. I heard from a friend of mine that some coho are begining to tide in on some of the coast rivers as well (i.e. siletz, 5.4 miles up in the tide water, #3 vibrax looking for sea run cuts) Can't keep em there but they are fun if you hook up on "accident".
Yay, can't wait! I might actually catch an anadromous fish!
me too :D
Apparently a Chum crossed too... :think:
so when those fish do start making it into the columbia tribs whats a good way to fish for them like what do you guys use
Best news i've heard all day:dance:, this deserves a dancing banana:yay:
mainman said:
so when those fish do start making it into the columbia tribs whats a good way to fish for them like what do you guys use

TCO SPinners, yarn, T&T, all the usual suspects.


thanks Kodiak
Aww, Thats still August and September for Me.
OMG... It's almost time... Good eye Kodiak!

You know I gotta take this oppertunity to plug the Sandy Dandy Slayer....... Among the time tested Coho killers...
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FishFinger said:
OMG... It's almost time... Good eye Kodiak!

You know I gotta take this oppertunity to plug the Sandy Dandy Slayer....... Among the time tested Coho killers...
Where can a guy get himself some of those?
dude young said:
Where can a guy get himself some of those?

All the components can be had at BC angling Post...... You can either build them yourself or get them ready to go.
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Nooooooo... ...not that place... ...I have heard some pretty crumby things about that place... ...and don't get me started on the new guy!

I kid. I am a kidder. ;)I do NOT want to start the whole "Trash BC" thread again. I actually had a couple of good experiences there.

Guess this means now I gotta learn how to build spinners. Great, my wife is going to kill me. One more friggin' thing to occupy my time.
Dan sells them for $3.99. And all of his products have his sonic signature!
Will a size 5 bear valley (with a size 2/0 or size 4 hook) be too big?
FishSchooler said:
Will a size 5 bear valley (with a size 2/0 or size 4 hook) be too big?

Ok.. I'm going to venture a guess based completely on theory...... For "fresh" fish on the move a #5 should be effective. I personally have found #4's to be the most productive size for me; based on last years success rate. As the run tapers down later in the season and the fish are more loitering than "running", smaller is usually the rule of thumb. Being said, it wasn't smaller spinners per say, but smaller presentations in the form of corkies, beads, and yarn flies on the dead drift.

Regarding BC angling Post.... I am loyal to a fault when I find a supplier that consistently has the components I'm after. And BC is the only brick and mortar shop I know where I can walk in and secure all the parts I need.

Not to say there aren't others, rather I am perhaps not aware of them presently. I shop like the typical male.. get in, get it, get the hell

When Osmo worked there I had 110% confidence that buying assembled units were guaranteed to be properly balanced and tuned. Depending on the amount of stock which he made; that may be still on the shelves, you should be able to find this handy work. The inspection process is simple to verify it's a tuned unit, and I would recommend doing so before leaving the store.

Because I've jumped the shark and can't in good faith go back to buying prefabbed spinners myself, the day TCO offers blades separately... I'm sure my loyalty will reside there as well.....
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FishFinger said:
The inspection process is simple to verify it's a tuned unit, and I would recommend doing so before leaving the store.

So, what, prey tell, is the process? I am of the buy it, tie it, cast it crowd. May go a long way to explaining why I have yet to grace the bank with Steel.

But, I am willing to learn.

Osmosis used to work there?

Dude young-he started a thread called "How to build a salmon spinner."
Search "dandy, sandy, slayer, speak, results, coho" and that should get it!
That day is a comming soon!

That day is a comming soon!

TCO offers blades separately... I'm sure my loyalty will reside there as well.....

I believe that day should be monday or tuesday next week, if not shortley there after....If that is a blade you fish a bunch I can do those or any other custom stock you require. I do not have the same bell bodies bill does but nasty rumor has it that his stock is changing to the same design I use...Just missing the crittical UV element.
Kodiak said:
TCO offers blades separately... I'm sure my loyalty will reside there as well.....

it's amazing the things one discovers when venturing out from under the rock which I've been living.......

Last time I got out in the fresh air TCO didn't... I guess the world really dosen't wait around for me after all..

I'll be in touch soon to see what is available....YeeHaw.

One thing about this forum, it sure helps to keep my bank account from becoming overweight....

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