coastal streams

anyone ever fish Big creek, tenmile creek or any of the others in that stretch between florence and waldport? im sure it's probably mostly native steelies but would like to try it out. If you have fished these creeks what is the best month to do it I was figurin December through February.
there are some hatcery fish in these waters that are transplanted from other rivers' hatcheries,I can't remember which ones though.Tenmile has a decent run,I havnt got any steel out of it yet,a tough one to fish because of limited access.But we fish it every year,usually when the alsea and siletz are too high/muddy to fish.Big creek is very fishy lookin too,but I have yet to hook up out of it either:(good luck!Your guess on timing sounds about right to me..
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I looked on google earth and found all the creeks figured there not to far apart from each other and could make a 3 day weekend out of fishin them. They just kinda looked like prety cool places to fish.
Yeah, they are some good looking rivers and I look forward to trying them out this winter! If you like small water then you are in luck, the only problem is these rivers, for the most part, aren't for those who like drift fishing and you will need to deploy light line, clear water techniques! Good luck.
I have fished Ten Mile Creek (the one south of Yachats that runs into the ocean just north of Stonefield Beach...) back in the 80s as my grandpa has a cabin on the little feeder creek that runs into Ten Mile Creek.

I have caught rainbows about two miles upstream of HWY 101, Fresh run cut throat (blue backs) from the ocean to just north of the bridge.

I have seen steelhead in there, but I believe these are natives.

I would hide myself in the tall grass or under a dogwood tree and cast out to a submerged root ball from a downed tree or any other snag I could find to cast to as that was where the fish were.. except for a couple deep holes that aren't easy to find (the deep holes were where I pulled the cut throat from as they were acclimating to the fresh water.

Nothing like fishing in the middle of a hail storm getting smacked by the small ice chunks and catching a 15 inch 1.5 pound fresh run cut throat (these are very accrobatic fish).

remember to check your regs for that area as the daily limit on trout is only two fish over 12 inches in length.

Yah I was kinda figurin on using a bobber setup. I heard they are prety snaggy. I looked at the yachats river too looked like it might be another good one.
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