Clackamas river steelhead

I fished Clackamas river on Saturday (1/2 mi below Feldhiemer) and landed a 6lb steelhead on spoon in four to six feet of riffled water below deep(plugging) pool. Water temp 42. No luck on pink, pink/white, black, black/red, black/green jig patterns (with and without bait) with float.
Thanks for the report obwon. What kind of spoon and what color? I ve been tossing 1/4oz silver spoons to no avail. Its surely hardware time though. Now if only I could find the time to fish:confused:.
Yep it's definitely time to bust out the hardware and hit the riffles. I've been hooking more on spinners than coons:shock:, I didn't think that would ever happen. These summers just can't resist a TCO spinner I guess;).

Obwon, nice job on the fish man:clap:, that's a nice little stretch of water.

Youngbuck, fielheimer road is just downriver from mciver.
metalmania - the water is too warm for bait right now, unless your springer fishing. Not saying it wont work, I love bait, and so do steelhead, but there are more effective things to be doing than tossing bait for steelhead right now.
Heck the other guy that was fishing the private property next to me caught several steelhead on dry flys! My jaw about hit the ground.

I landed 14 steelhead on the one TCO spinner that I have left today in 6hours before it got too hot and I retreated for home and the AC..
If you don't have any, you need to get some Inferno and Predator Mini's!!!
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Ya I noticed that the coons were getting much less attention then the hardware lately. The pink predators have been knockin em dead, and i've hooked a few on the raptors to. But the mini's have been producing the most. 14 fish:shock:, holy crap I dream of having days like that. I wen't 0-1 today on a mini, and lost about 15 bucks worth of hardware. I guess it's worth it to get the fish though. Kodiak look forward to another order here soon;).
Wow Guys this is awesome info on the spoons and spinners. I'll be pulling out my Size 4 BC's as soon as my back gets better. I found out the hard way that I am an out of shape fat f!@#. First Manual labor Ive tried in 10 years and Im wearing a brace now. Im paying for it.
Sorry about the back pain bro, you aint alone. I just got referred to a neurosurgeon to have back surgery. Not fun stuff, gonna have to hang my pole and waders up for a while it looks like.
Man Alan. 14 steel in a day off the same lure. Can you please pm me some literature on those amazing Water Crystal Experiments we spoke about? I totally forgot who the scientist was who ran the tests but I know he was Asian :-). Hope your well bro. See you out there soon.
Ya you guys will love these things, there my new favorite spinner:D.

Adambomb, I got siwash on all my mini's as I get them back more often after a snag. But I think it's just personal preferance with most people.

Fish on, no.4 is all i've been runnin, both infernos and predators. Pink has been the hottest but red, flame and green have all gotten hookups.
Second on what metalmania said. I will use #5's when I need to get down more, but for the most part I've got #4's on. sometimes in super low and clear I wil go smaller.
I personally prefer trebles as I feel they do less damamge to fish I intend to release. I've instantly killed fish with siwash's with headshots to the brain - and on average the fish take seem to take them deeper.
You can do both, but I drive the boat differently than when we sidedrift bait. you can anchor and toss them around too.
troll em, toss em, swing em, backtroll em, forward troll em, theres all kinds of fun to be had with spinners!
Today was a bank trip though.

P.s. I never anchor in the clackamas.
Act now while supplies last!!!:lol: Thats Fantastic. i might have to come visit you guys one morning. They keep effin with the water levels here.
You can do both, but I drive the boat differently than when we sidedrift bait. you can anchor and toss them around too.
troll em, toss em, swing em, backtroll em, forward troll em, theres all kinds of fun to be had with spinners!
Today was a bank trip though.

P.s. I never anchor in the clackamas.

Have you got into any shad on the Willy yet? Or heard much? Figured you might know since youre kinda plugged in. At least more than I am.

Have you heard from Ian? He seems to have gone MIA.
Wherever he's at, I'll bet he's slayin' the fish. fighting0059.gif
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