hatchery fish they say are for increased angling opprotunity and look how that works,,,every hatchery hole or river with a run of hatchery fish is just insane to say the least.combat fishing,,elbow to elbow.....I personally dislike hatchery fish,,,they take away from the natives food source and everything that goes with being in a river.if people practiced catch and release we would not have this problem...stocked fish are for ponds period....look at montana most of their rivers are blue ribbon rivers...cause they keep it native and catch and release.Just look at all the trash and crap you see around hatchery holes thats why i dont fish there cause those people are the increased angling opprutunity people,,,,,they dont respect the rivers they just want meat for the smoker..Im all for keeping a fish to take home but instead of dumping a milliion smolts,,,,into a river with natives who then have to battle for food with some pellet head people should just catch and release til the run can maintain itself...The majority of hatchery fish dont even survive past the second week,,i personally dont see the point in stocking fish..Increased angling is Bs..my guess is they could care less if the native runs return cause they make way more on license sales,,not to mention unfair to the smolts....Just imagine dumping a little house trained dog in the middle of the woods,,,he aint gonna live hes gonna die cause nature weeds out the weak,well the hatchery fish are weak.....Oregon rivers are the most gorgeous sites we have to offer,,,i just dont understand the logic behind dumping hatchery fish into a gorgous river...as far as the alsea it is way more overfished now then compared to years ago cause they let you keep a hatchery fish,,,thats the only reason period...if they had only natives and catch and release only you would have more than half the anglers gone or move to a different river.In no way does stocking hatchery smolts ever gonna make the native run better..Thats the reason i have 2 rivers that i fish myself,,,no hatchery runs,all natives and its catch and release,,,and their usually isn't another angler in sight for that simple fact.ODFW isn't all bad i dont critisize them for everything,,they have their place but you have to realize their about making money,not whats best for the rivers...you will never have a nice blue ribbon stream as long as their hatchery fish,,,itrs all for businness,,,the guides catch their clients way more fish,,,shop[s sell more tackle,more bait..read up on the deshutes its our finest river here,,,and they know how to manage a river,all native redsides,,3,000 per mile...no hatchery invasions...my 2 cents