Toon float on the Molalla?? Anyone interested?

So, title says it all. I am itchin and need to test out the 'toon.
Who wants to hit the Lower Molalla? and when?
Two more weeks then I'll go with ya
I want in on some of that action there..... out of town on business but would love to hook up and 'toon the Mo if we can in a few weeks?
OFF Fancy Dress? or not? :)
I didn't know of any OFF fancy dress up... i may wear a dress tho if it'll get me into some new water!
i was just poking a little fun at some of the costume ideas that have been thrown around different threads these last few months..
I would wear most anything if I could get into some fish!! Keep me posted on when and where.
29th/30th May ?? Good Bridge to the mouth? if the levels are not too low we could do WagonWheel down
If I am back in town then I will go for sure. Hawaii is a tough place to work - even harder place to leave. Spring Chinook and summer Steelhead would be able to pull me away though!
There really isn't much below Knights bridge. Wagon Wheel to Knights would be a long float about 7hrs I say. Really good water in there. lots of Smallies an Cuts. There are also around 5 or 6 good Steel holes.
Growbug said:
29th/30th May ?? Good Bridge to the mouth? if the levels are not too low we could do WagonWheel down

FYI The guy who now owns the house at Goods Bridge DOES NOT want anyone on his property for any reason. Access the river from the south end of the bridge on the west or downstream side only. Last year the trail was barely wide enough to walk, much less carry any type of water craft. I fished the river this morning and caught and killed two fat pikeminnow. The water temp. is 54 so the smallies should be active. This photo was taken about a month ago, when the river was a little over 13'. Now with it below 12' even more of those two logs are exposed. This particular log jam is about 3/4 mile below the rail road bridge, but there are several others that are not so threatening in the same area of the river.
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I dont know of many put ins between Wagon Wheel and Goods Bridge.
There is a ramp at Canby Community Park (Canby Pond)
Google maps does show LOTS of fishy looking water between down from Wagon Wheel to Canby.
Oh.. and just for info.. "Wagon Wheel" is where 213 crosses the Molalla River just north of Molalla town. It now has a nice gravel ramp that is BELOW the falls.
I also think that i will have someone (the wife) who would be able to drive across to Canby and ferry people back to their cars if left at Wagon Wheel!

7 hours is a long time of the water. I was thinking of getting us dumped into the water around 7ish (which is before the locals will mob the place to get cool). The stretch we are looking at below Wagon Wheel may very well have a couple of portages if the water is LOW, toons should be able to scoot over it if water is anything else.
Stop off on a beach somewhere for lunch and beer, then back on the water for another session in the PM.

Another option is from Feyrer Park or the 211 Bridge in Molalla down to Wagon Wheel. Could do this in a couple of hours or string it out by stopping at different holes and taking it easy. Lots of sand banks and beaches along that run to stop and fish..

Targetted fish?
There should be Springers, Summers, (occassional Winters), Largemouth, Smallmouth, Rainbows and Cut-throat

I am planning on packing my 5wt fly rod and a medium spinning rig. Should cover most options.

If you aint familiar with the water, go Google Maps and pan down the river. The zoom actually gets close enough to see the river bed in some places. The Molalla is also a nice river for never being the same twice.

Water levels have dropped a lot recently and are settling down to their normal spring/early summer levels. We are still getting snow up at Table Rock, so we are still getting melt feed to the river and the temps are still low. In the next two weeks we are due to have them air temps settle into the 60's and bring in a couple of storms. This will get the snow gone and running down. I think water levels in 2 weeks should be roughly the same as now, or a little higher. Should also be nice and clear and warming up!
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I agree almost totaly. Yes the water level should be about the same as now. but there are no largemouth in the Mo. Also I have not come across smallmouth above Wagon Wheel. WW to Goods is only about 4 1/2hrs but the take out at Goods isn't very good. It may not show on Google but some of the best water on the river is in that strech. There isn't a lot between Goods an the Park but from the Park to Knights very nice almost as good as above Goods.
adambomb said:
FYI The guy who now owns the house at Goods Bridge DOES NOT want anyone on his property for any reason. Access the river from the south end of the bridge on the west or downstream side only. Last year the trail was barely wide enough to walk, much less carry any type of water craft. I fished the river this morning and caught and killed two fat pikeminnow. The water temp. is 54 so the smallies should be active. This photo was taken about a month ago, when the river was a little over 13'. Now with it below 12' even more of those two logs are exposed. This particular log jam is about 3/4 mile below the rail road bridge, but there are several others that are not so threatening in the same area of the river.

Is there a place to leave a car at Goods Bridge?
jleepga said:
Is there a place to leave a car at Goods Bridge?

The shoulder widens out at the south end of the bridge, there is room for several cars. Be very careful if you cross the hwy, people FLY on that road. There is also a large gravel area on the north side of the bridge but there is no access from that side so you would have to walk accross the bridge.
What are ya using on Smallies in the Mol?
susqwahanna said:
What are ya using on Smallies in the Mol?

I rarely target them because I catch a fair amount on my trout spinners. They will hit just about anything, the skill is learning where to find them. They prefer the warmer water so any still back water or slow deep channels with sandstone outcroppings should produce. I hear that a jointed floating rapala works good for top water action.
So we still doing this Sat? I got my toon pumped up an new oars ready to rock. The river is going to stay at current level through next weekend. I say we meet at Wagon Wheel and float to Canby Pond. Anyone of for a river BBQ?
Got a shot from Mark on the float, count me in.
so. MAY 29th - Wagonwheel to Canby Pond

Start time? 8am put in? 7am? 6am?

How many do we have as Definate?
ryan808 and markcanby look like 2, plus me makes 3

What do we want to do with cars? I have a Silverado that i can throw a toon or two in the back of if they have collapsable frames.

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