Tehkenitch Lake

Hi All,

I'm headed to Tahkenitch Lake the 1st week of August for a family get together. We have reservations at the Tahkenitch Landing Campground.

I've never been there before. If any one has any fishing information it would be much appreciated.

I've only ever done minimal fishing on that lake. I hear it's decent for bass and for trout. If you've got the time you can always head south for Elbow lake. I've always taken 13-17" trout out of there. Even further south there's Ten Mile Lakes. And they boast a pretty good bass population and a fairly good population of trout. PB works decent at all three of the lakes (orange, green, chartreuse and white are the colors that worked for me)
hope it helps
I really only fish Tahkenitch during the fall Coho run, but while targetting Coho I have pulled out MASSIVE trout and bass. I don't know about this time of year, but in October-December there are a ton of really good sized Sea-run Cutties in there, but also really nice rainbows. I find that the majority of the larger fish I have caught have been up the 5 mile arm, which is a long way from the campground there, but worth it. Just to the right of the launch at the campground there though, is some really good bass and perch fishing, super weedy though.

It's by far my favorite coastal lake because of the scenery and lack of commercialization.

Good luck, you'll fall in love with it!
Back in the '70s, when there was a boat rental & motel there on the lake (might be where the campground/boat launch is today), my dad and I would spend most of a week there. Crappie, perch, & bass were what we caught, but there were definitely trout, steelhead, and salmon going in there.

At the bridge over the river, by the campground, we watched a hawk swoop down and pluck a big fish out of the water. And then repeat the feat an hour later, all the while we were getting skunked.
I remember the cabins for rent at Tahkenitch. A couple were floating cabins and back in the early 1960's, my wife's uncle would shoot ducks from the porch (during duck season of course). This was long before I was a member of the family and went fishing and duck hunting many times with him at Siltcoos. He always had stories about the bluegills and trout in Fivemile Arm accompanied by an old WW1 veteran, a Major in the army. Nowadays, I don't know anything about fishing Tahkenitch. I am very interested as well in learning what the fishing is like now.
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