Spinners on the Clackamas

I have been using/losing spinners for many days on the Clackamas up near Mciver/Fieldheimer and although I am getting better at not getting snagged, and better at letting the sink down and drift/bounce over the rocks, I have not even had a strike...nothing. I am using various spinners I purchased at BC in Gladstone and also various other spinners of all different colors. I have gotten some good info here and from other fishermen I have run into.
I am a patient guy, but it is getting a little discouraging. Are the fish just hard to come by right now? Is another part of the river better this time of the year?...sorry about the whining :(
I have also been throwing a lot of hardware in the clackamas recently. And, like you losing several along the way. Three weeks ago, in one hole just down river from mciver, a friend and I saw about 20 fish roll and jump. We both tried spinners, prawns, and eggs. We fished for about 6 hours and he hooked and lost the only fish of the day and he is professional guide!! Just this last weekend I fished the same hole and did not see one fish. My experience has been hit and miss on the clackamas, more miss sorry to say. I am slowly learning more about how the fish behave and have gotten better at choosing the right tackle. An expert told me, that if you don't lose a spinner every 2 to 3 hours, your not going deep enough. Taking that advice I have been using a lot of siwash hook spinners, they seem to let go of rocks a little easier.
Bohemian said:
I have been using/losing spinners for many days on the Clackamas up near Mciver/Fieldheimer and although I am getting better at not getting snagged, and better at letting the sink down and drift/bounce over the rocks, I have not even had a strike...nothing. I am using various spinners I purchased at BC in Gladstone and also various other spinners of all different colors. I have gotten some good info here and from other fishermen I have run into.
I am a patient guy, but it is getting a little discouraging. Are the fish just hard to come by right now? Is another part of the river better this time of the year?...sorry about the whining :(

do not be discouraged, bohemian... so sayeth he who have been targeting these feeshies since january and have yet to get a "real" fish. all i've managed to attract are smolts, suckers and whitefish.

finding fish is definitely the ticket to catching 'em. sounds like you're getting the hang of fishing spinners... keep at it, perfect the technique until it becomes second nature to you, and go git 'em. they're in there. and the water temp is right for them to be aggro enough to chase spinners.

do not be discouraged, bohemian. your patience will pay off big, someday, soon...
Go small and dark. The water is warm, like 60 degrees. Try all black or black and brass 3's, or even 2's. Black's not the only color but stick with darker colors. If your using the already made spinners from BC there probably to large and flashy, I think all he has now are nickel and brass spinners. I'm not an expert in spinners, but for these conditions you need small and dark.
I'm sure there will be other responses, but this is coming from someone who lost A LOT of spinners in Clackamas and broke a rod in Sandy after foul hooking a native rock(using spinners), thus getting the nick name "Hey, isn't that guy who broke his rod tip?"

1- After you cast try to reel in the slack as quick as possible.
2- Keep your rod tip down when retrieving.
3- If you're stuck just walk backwards to the bank pointing the rod tip towards and the rod parallel to the water.
4- For low/slow water conditions, don't use heavy bodies and go as small as you can with #3 or even #2 spinners.
5- Switch to sickle hooks from treble hooks.
6- When drifting with corkies I do a tap-tap-skip at the bottom of the river, with spinners one tap and I lift the rod tip up a little and allow the blade to spin freely in the current for 3 seconds (skip-skip-skip) then a tap at the bottom and lift again.
7- When drifting always follow your lure and be in line with the lure.

And always remember: if you're not losing any then you're not fishing right...
Thanks so much to everyone...I have a lot of learning and practice to do. I will tell you one unusual thing that happened yesterday: I cast out and got snagged and had to break my line and lost the spinner. Well, about 10 minutes later, after several more casts, I got hung up again and when I pulled it came free but felt weird. When I brought it in I had hooked my lost spinner in the eye of the hook with the spinner on my line. I can't swear it was the one I lost, but it was the identical BC spinner I had been using. The line had broke right at the knot, and the knot was still attached. I couldn't believe it!

Thanks again for all the great tips and encouragement.
Bohemian said:
I got hung up again and when I pulled it came free but felt weird. When I brought it in I had hooked my lost spinner in the eye of the hook with the spinner on my line. I can't swear it was the one I lost, but it was the identical BC spinner I had been using. The line had broke right at the knot, and the knot was still attached. I couldn't believe it!

nice work
I agree black and dark colors work well, but for some reason on the Willamette and McKenzie they have liked the blue and silver a lot and all silver or silver and gold. Its weird but that's what they want here! :)
I worked some more on my spinner technique this afternoon, but decided to try a plastic worm...worked!
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spinners on the clack

spinners on the clack

the show there is over - think Bonniville Dam - Aug. 1 - opener - all spinner show - you will not believe your eyes !
meluvtrout said:
I'm sure there will be other responses, but this is coming from someone who lost A LOT of spinners in Clackamas and broke a rod in Sandy after foul hooking a native rock(using spinners), thus getting the nick name "Hey, isn't that guy who broke his rod tip?"

1- After you cast try to reel in the slack as quick as possible.
2- Keep your rod tip down when retrieving.
3- If you're stuck just walk backwards to the bank pointing the rod tip towards and the rod parallel to the water.
4- For low/slow water conditions, don't use heavy bodies and go as small as you can with #3 or even #2 spinners.
5- Switch to sickle hooks from treble hooks.
6- When drifting with corkies I do a tap-tap-skip at the bottom of the river, with spinners one tap and I lift the rod tip up a little and allow the blade to spin freely in the current for 3 seconds (skip-skip-skip) then a tap at the bottom and lift again.
7- When drifting always follow your lure and be in line with the lure.

And always remember: if you're not losing any then you're not fishing right...
Mine is
"Hey, isn't it the kid who got the Hook snagged in his back?"
Great Fish. That is a Reel Beauty Bro Bohemian................................:D:D:D..........................:cool::cool::cool:.............................:clap::clap::clap:
good job on the fish, bohemian... and nice work changing up to an offering she wants.
cchinook said:
the show there is over - think Bonniville Dam - Aug. 1 - opener - all spinner show - you will not believe your eyes !

Oh really?Do tell!
Getting better...

Getting better...

Hi again -- I stopped by the river after work to practice some more with spinners. I have been using much of the advice you all have been giving me, but I also took the BC Angling's advice and used gold w/green spinners (they have been very good to me) and almost immediately had a fish on. Unfortunately it got off. After about 4 more casts I caught a nice fish -- 30" and 8 1/2 pounds. What a fight! What a rush!

Just wanted to share...thanks!
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The show continues....

Thats a pretty fish!:clap:
What area of the Clack did you hook them?
I hiked in to the Clackamas from Bonnie Lure state park. I fished above Eagle Creek...but, of course I'm basically lost as soon as I enter the woods :lol:
Lost as soon as you enter the Bathroom.
nice work man, great looking fish

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