Siltcoos and Tahkenitch

Thuggin4Life said:
So if they don't open the gate I shouldn't waste my time on Siltcoos this weekend?
Incorrect sir. There's a fish ladder. The fish still get's just for whatever reason...more fish come up the ladder when the reg. dam is open. I think the moving fresh water gives them the go ahead. They're in there though. They were jumping in the river above the dam.
What sort of shape do you think these Coho will be in? Edible?
Teo said:
What sort of shape do you think these Coho will be in? Edible?
They are very bright fish. I have never caught a dark fish. Most of them still have sea lice. The lake is 2 miles from the ocean, and they hold in there for weeks before they shoot up the creeks.
So has there been enough rain in the last few days to get those Coho running into these lakes? Anyone going to one of these lakes this weekend?

Tahkenitch Ladder Problems?

Tahkenitch Ladder Problems?

I was just in Oregon Rod & Reel on Coburg Rd. and heard from a Florence angler that the fish ladder at Tahkenitch is plugged up with down trees.
Rumor or truth?
He also said that the fish are stacking up in Siltcoos. They won't open the dam much till more water starts coming in. I guess the homeowners assoc. some how controls the water level.
It wouldn't be the first time trees have messed up the ladder at Tahkenitch, they're usually good about getting that kinda thing cleared quickly though. Siltcoos Dam is owned and operated by International Paper, it has been up for sale a few times, and I believe the Siltcoos lake homeowners association had a bid on it, but last I heard, that didn't go through. Good news is that even though the dam may not yet be are still able to get into the lake, and they are in there. I saw them jumping in the river above the dam last Sunday when I went over there to check out the dam, and fish were absolutely STACKED below it. With the recent rain this week, it should get some fish moving. I myself will be fishing it tomorrow morning, Saturday, and probably Sunday because I have things going on with work the next two weekends. It's hard to say how good it will be this early, though I have caught fish as early as the 15th, the first 2 weeks of November are always better for me in previous years. Though it doesn't seem like this month is already half over, it's really not that far down the road until November, I don't know where time is going.
hello all is there any bank fishing from these lakes? still havent caught me a salmon yet and i'm dying lol ! thanks
wildman said:
hello all is there any bank fishing from these lakes? still havent caught me a salmon yet and i'm dying lol ! thanks

Bank access on the Siltcoos River via a hike in through the closed Tyee campground. It's shallow. It's weedy. It's resemblant of a swamp. The bank access is not a lot...but every fish that enters the lake has to pass you...and this river is no more than 20 feet wide at any given spot. At the campground I think it's 15 feet to the other side, so you can imagine how easy it is to cover all the water. Otherwise, you can take Canary road (just before Honeyman, on the left) It's a rough long road that will take you to Ada, they have docks, just west of the tressel over the fiddle creek arm. I think they charge ya like 5 bucks, but it's 5 bucks to launch a boat on the other side, so it's not terrible. I know people catch them throwing spinners off those docks, and when we've temporarily docked the boat there to use their restrooms, the depth finder has marked big fish, not to mention, they're always jumping out in front of there.

Tahkenitch has zero bank access, unfortunately.
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Sunday is on for sure. If I don't get any ink on my tag this weekend I am giving up fishing and taking up golf. Bought a few plugs today as well.
Thuggin4Life said:
If I don't get any ink on my tag this weekend I am giving up fishing and taking up golf.

That is sick and wrong. Very, very, wrong.

No guarantees this weekend, it's been an off year with rainfall, and I haven't fished over there yet, I don't know what the fish are doing right now...Though...I'm hopeful! Really good feeling about the run this year, I think it's going to be the best year so far since '03, based on what I saw on the Siuslaw. Don't worry too much about gettin' a bunch of plugs, I have more than what you saw in my box Chinook fishin'...and I'll let ya use 'em. Though if you outfish me on my own gear...I might have an issue.

I also just got done swappin' out the crappy standard issue VMC's with some owner's...and my hands are bloodied up real nice...those hooks are SHARP..I would not want to be the fish that chomps down on those double trebles.


JeannaJigs said:
I also just got done swappin' out the crappy standard issue VMC's with some owner's...and my hands are bloodied up real nice...those hooks are SHARP..I would not want to be the fish that chomps down on those double trebles.

"owners's" A type of hook? Could you be more specific?
Teo said:
"owners's" A type of hook? Could you be more specific?

Owner is a brand of hook that is super sharp and very strong. I've lost fish due to broken or bent hooks in the past, so I've switched over to Owner #4 trebles on my wigglers. My only complaint is that I can't seem to find them locally with needle points, only cutting points, and it may be that they aren't made. Though I think the cutting points will be just fine with trebles, I don't like using cutting points for general use.

---and an update---

Fished the lake today, the fish are definitely in there in decent numbers for so early in the season, though there isn't much going on up the Maple Creek arm so I didn't waste the gas to go up the Fiddle Creek arm. The fish that are in, are schooled up along the west and north bank near the outlet, but not the south west bank, which is why we didn't head up the fiddle creek arm, these fish are all about the maple. Went down the river, checked out the dam. It's almost to capacity, two more good days of rain, and I imagine that they will be pulling one of the gates. The fish ladder is fully operational, and I tried to take video of it, but it didn't come out...Saw fish coming out of the fish ladder, and they were not jacks, but very large fish. We did have one fish on around 07:30, but it came unbuttoned before we could get it in the net, pulled some ninja moves and busted a back flip, and was gone. It was about 25 inches I'd estimate, not enormous, but not a jack.

Also, would like to take the time to remind everyone of the regs on this lake

1. You cannot fish downriver of the 101 bridge. (that would be the western side). It is not signed like it has been in previous years, but that boundary is in effect.

2. You can only keep ONE adult a day. 5 Adults a year. An adult by definition is any fish over 20 inches. If it's 20.5 you're done for the day. You cannot continue fishing for jacks. I had a guy stop us and ask us how we did etc as we were loading up the boat. He was goin' on and on, trying to tell us there's no fish in the lake yet, etc. When we already know what's up. He then says, that you can keep 20 a year. I said's 5. He said, and I quote "That's only for chinook, these fish are all hatchery fish, they just aren't clipped and you can keep 20 a year". I immediately realized that there was no arguing with this man, so i just smiled, got in the truck, and drove away. These fish are all wild stock. Carefully managed and studied by ODFW. Taking more than 5, will inevitably be the downfall of a very special wild run, so don't do it.

Also, just a reminder, OSP is out there in full force on the weekends, so if you can't pass a safety inspection, don't launch. They were also writing tickets like mad today for those that did not pay the lane county parks fee at the boat ramp. Not paying $3 will cost you $90.
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thanks for the all the info .cool pic of the going to say it again you allways have great info .thanks again for starting this thread and keeping it on track :clap: im looking forword to the awsome coho fishing in siltcoos as i allways have for many years now .me and my wife love did very well last year .one of here fish last year was 15lbs huge coho. the state record native coho was caught out of siltcoos. by ed martin in 1966 it weight 25.5 lbs. i have'nt fished tahkenitch for coho sence i live in florence silcoos is closer .looking forword to here more info and as soon as i get fishing ill have some myself .thanks again .
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What's the preferred rigging for siltcoos coho? I was thinking plugs or spinner off a dropper? Any advice from seasoned fishermen would be greatly appreciated.
I wouldn't use a dropper since the lake is very shallow and weedy.
i went down to the outlet today did ok.i cought one jack second cast thougt about keeping it but didn't. very small jack hopeing for an adult kept fishing landed a larg mouth bass thinking to my self that was a very big spinner for that little bass to eat:think:next hook up a nice trout .let it go and saying to my self [the only thing to make it a full house is a perch]. fishing,casting,casting and fishing next thing you know i pull in a darn perch .
[FULLHOUSE ] the water was high not flowing yet hopfully soon:pray:.
Chedster said:
What's the preferred rigging for siltcoos coho? I was thinking plugs or spinner off a dropper? Any advice from seasoned fishermen would be greatly appreciated.

plugs are my first go to, then it's spinners. Usually I cast spinners up one of the arms, though you can troll them if ya want. I wouldn't use a dropper, the fish are in the 3-5 foot range, and below that is weeds and frustration.
billfish said:
i went down to the outlet today did ok.i cought one jack second cast thougt about keeping it but didn't. very small jack hopeing for an adult kept fishing landed a larg mouth bass thinking to my self that was a very big spinner for that little bass to eat:think:next hook up a nice trout .let it go and saying to my self [the only thing to make it a full house is a perch]. fishing,casting,casting and fishing next thing you know i pull in a darn perch .
[FULLHOUSE ] the water was high not flowing yet hopfully soon:pray:.

We were down there this was miserable. Sideways rain. Good thing is it was coming down hard, at least an inch and half of rain in the boat. I'm betting the dam is opened up in the next 48 hours, it is to capacity. I caught a largemouth yesterday on a brad's was a 4 inch bass lol. Even with the dam not open, there are plenty of fish in there though, that's what people don't seem to believe, everyone i've talked to is like "there's no fish in" but they are. It's called a fish ladder.
That's were im fishing tommorrow. The ladder. Going to troll up and down it all day. Got those lights hooked up so its a go as long as they light up when I get the jeep back in my driveway to check.
The guys at 2 Bros told me tonight that the Dam is now open.

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