OFF Fisherperson of the year or Virtual Tournament?

I was reading that other thread that lists derbies and tournies here in oregon and it gave me a couple ideas. Forgive me if they have been proposed before but here goes:

Why not have a OFF fisherperson of the year award. Applicants would keep a photo folder of all the fish they've caught in the year...making sure their camera shows a proper timestamp on each photo. They could be reviewed at the end of the year by a panel of mods....and the award could be presented to the winner. We could agree on rules(no guides or pros maybe)...and we could fund any prizes with an entrance fee(which would limit the amount of reviewing that mods would have to do).

We might also try a Virtual Tournament! No need for a meet and greet...we could do the whole thing in one thread even. Same deal with the photo timestamp...(I'm a photoshop wiz so dont try to add a timestamp digitally!!) Small prizes so no big deal if someone is dishonest? Contestants would have ONE day to find: Biggest fish, Most fish, or most weight per limit.......

I'm sure someone must have had these ideas before me..... what do you guys think?
I was reading that other thread that lists derbies and tournies here in oregon and it gave me a couple ideas. Forgive me if they have been proposed before but here goes:

Why not have a OFF fisherperson of the year award. Applicants would keep a photo folder of all the fish they've caught in the year...making sure their camera shows a proper timestamp on each photo. They could be reviewed at the end of the year by a panel of mods....and the award could be presented to the winner. We could agree on rules(no guides or pros maybe)...and we could fund any prizes with an entrance fee(which would limit the amount of reviewing that mods would have to do).

We might also try a Virtual Tournament! No need for a meet and greet...we could do the whole thing in one thread even. Same deal with the photo timestamp...(I'm a photoshop wiz so dont try to add a timestamp digitally!!) Small prizes so no big deal if someone is dishonest? Contestants would have ONE day to find: Biggest fish, Most fish, or most weight per limit.......

I'm sure someone must have had these ideas before me..... what do you guys think?

we should seperate it into categories, maybe not a timestamp i dont know how to do that, but something current a newspaper or something LOL?
This sounds like doable idea but I don't think it should be limited to the amount of fish caught.
Maybe the most improved, the most unique home tied fly that really catch a fish, best home made bass plug etc.
This sounds like doable idea but I don't think it should be limited to the amount of fish caught.
Maybe the most improved, the most unique home tied fly that really catch a fish, best home made bass plug etc.

big fish of the year, best 5 fish of the year etc.. would also be cool for each category
big fish of the year, best 5 fish of the year etc.. would also be cool for each category

OOOOHHH! I just checked out your profile....occupation=FISHING!!! Your disqualified. heheheheee! but you can show me where the bass are at and I'll enter for ya!! Where/what is CP?
OOOOHHH! I just checked out your profile....occupation=FISHING!!! Your disqualified. heheheheee! but you can show me where the bass are at and I'll enter for ya!! Where/what is CP?

central point, medford area.... lately that occupation should read
I think we'd need a seperate category for those people who are lucky enough to be on the water everyday for work.....maybe OFF guide of the year? Could even include the number of fish caught by their clients...would make finding a great guide easy for us all.. and great advertising for the winner....

I don't see any reason why Mods couldn't participate..might have to waive judging responsibilities...

PRO= anyone who sport fishes for a living..sponsor's decals all over your bass boat...etc. is what I was thinking when I wrote the idea..
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A better rules question is: do we collect entrance fees at the beginning of the year/contest or wait until photos are to be collected/judged? There are a lot of rules to be worked out and I hoped some mods would jump on here and moderate! I am no organizer...and I doubt I'd win anything. This definitely would encourage more members to post fish porn so that's what I'm after here I guess.....
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well kinda it is just about all i do, and i do occasionally get payed for it so maybe a little bit haha

Colby, you better be careful.... getting paid ONCE is enough to be at least SEMI - pro. Although i do see you having your name on the side of a boat in a few years... just DONT dye your hair blonde, kiss fish or appear in ANY progressive boat insurance adverts..
Colby, you better be careful.... getting paid ONCE is enough to be at least SEMI - pro. Although i do see you having your name on the side of a boat in a few years... just DONT dye your hair blonde, kiss fish or appear in ANY progressive boat insurance adverts..

:lol::lol::lol: thats funny my hair is already blonde so thats out, i dont like the big corporate sponsors either though, kellogs,wal mart, etc... theyre necissary to keep the sport on the professional level going though i get what you mean though
Because of the fishery here in Oregon this may be difficult to pull off. My suggestion would be to do a fresh and saltwater big fish. But then how do you distinguish, what species and under what circumstances the fish where caught?

Example a 38lb Albacore might be caught on light tackle, yet 20lb Ling caught on a fly rod, both great accomplishments, so how do you distinguish, who wins?

Whatever you decide, make sure it excludes, guides, tournament fisherman (folks who have paid an entry fee) or anyone who makes a living fishing (me). AMETUERS ONLY !!!

Also a prize of an engraved plaque is nice and reasonable.
That sounds like a good idea....the only thing with me is that I go out for the peace and quiet, beauty of Oregon, and beautiful fish.....when my fishin buddies say good job and woohoo! when I catch a fish.....thats all I need. Better than any plaque hangin on my wall. Just sayin :)
First of all TOM!!!!! where the hell you been?? havent seen you post in a bit hows fishing??? second! i like the idea!!! good post!!
Because of the fishery here in Oregon this may be difficult to pull off. My suggestion would be to do a fresh and saltwater big fish. But then how do you distinguish, what species and under what circumstances the fish where caught?

Example a 38lb Albacore might be caught on light tackle, yet 20lb Ling caught on a fly rod, both great accomplishments, so how do you distinguish, who wins?

Whatever you decide, make sure it excludes, guides, tournament fisherman (folks who have paid an entry fee) or anyone who makes a living fishing (me). AMETUERS ONLY !!!

Also a prize of an engraved plaque is nice and reasonable.

The fisherperson of the year award I was thinking would have to be judged by mods as I was saying...more based on the overall impressiveness of your photo folder, and extra points for a diverse catch of course. salt and fresh.

For the virtual tournies...I was thinking to start: Statewide One Day Trout Tourny! Prizes for: Most Beautiful Pic(nice specimen etc.)...Largest trout, largest limit(C&R is fine just need pics). We could do the same for sturgeon....steel...salmon or offshore... But I think it's best to start with the most common here in oregon, Trout.

What did you think of the OFF Guide of the year award idea?
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First of all TOM!!!!! where the hell you been?? havent seen you post in a bit hows fishing??? second! i like the idea!!! good post!!

Haven't fished since Coho at siltcoos. I've been obsessed with my new 15'1" Welded Gregor! and gettin her ready for springer fishing... Almost there! I just need rod holders...electric motor and floatation foam for under the seats... we should fish sometime...
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