Newbie needs advice

Hey guys,

Just joined the site and I'm interested ing getting some advice for a person who is brand new to fly fishing. In the past I fished the John Day with a simple spinner trout rod but that was around 10 years ago. I have been reading as much as possible and looking at reviews but I think the more I read the more the terminology confuses me and I realize the more I have no idea about. I have been pointed towards two rod and reel packages on Cabelas good for beginners that I gave links to below, if you guys could give me some advice or any other suggestions please that would be great.

To give you some info of what I plan on doing. I'm 24 and live in the Willamette Valley (Lebanon specifically) I do however make it back it my hometown in central Oregon a few times a year so I have opportunity at the John Day, Deschutes and Crooked. My plan would be to fish for steelehead and salmon. I want to fish for those because I'm interested in the fight and filling my freezer. Is this setting the bar to high for a beginner? Should I be starting smaller? Would I have more opportunity year round for trout and other smaller fish?

I have many, many more questions but didn't feel like taking up the whole first page withe my post. :) The links below are of the two rods suggested to me. I don't have interest at this time for fly building/tying because I would prefer just to get the basics of casting/reeling fundamentals down before branching out into other facets of the sport. I'm mainly looking at which one would be better for me and what I have in mind.

Thanks a lot guys (especially to those of you who read all of this)

Link 1;Search-All+Products

Link 2;IK-321246

EDIT: I just wanted to add that I will one day have interest in fly building and tying just not quite prepared to take on other parts of this sport until I get good at one part.
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if you want salmon/steel grab the wind river 8wt. i use it and recommend it 100% for a beginner. i just caught a big steelhead on mine yesterday and it held up fine. only concern is the line isn't the best of quality. you can easily purchase a decent fly line for under $30
if you want salmon/steel grab the wind river 8wt. i use it and recommend it 100% for a beginner. i just caught a big steelhead on mine yesterday and it held up fine. only concern is the line isn't the best of quality. you can easily purchase a decent fly line for under $30

Thanks Brandon. Would I get a decent season of salmon and steel over here? I enjoy fishing but also want the best season possible to me with a good chance at fish. I go to school and work so having limited seasons during the year would be tough to get at. I guess thats why I choose to bow hunt also. ;)
also i would say start with trout, thats what i did they are a lot easier to catch and very fun as well, you would need a smaller rod for trout then salmon and steel, i would get a 4pc 9ft 5wt . . one thing i learned is when salmon and steelhead fly fishing your not getting huge numbers its a challenge and catching one on the fly is very rewarding. so if your looking for a lot of fish to fill the freezer fly fishing for them would not be the best option. fly fishing for steelhead out of the rivers you mentioned would be best on the deschutes starting in july, witch is also amazing for trout on the fly. if you want to catch salmon on the fly coastal rivers would be your best bet.
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What rod setup do you recommend for catching steel/salmon? I was assuming a lot of the guys I've been reading about on here were catching salmon/steel on fly rod setups.
What rod setup do you recommend for catching steel/salmon? I was assuming a lot of the guys I've been reading about on here were catching salmon/steel on fly rod setups.

If you are looking for a Salmon/steelhead fly set up you want an 8wt. Redington Crosswater is a decent starter combo. A Temple Fork Outfitters NXT 8/9wt combo would be good too. Lots of options out there. Cabelas has a lot too, as you already posted about. Just need to decide how much you want to spend.
the cabelas wind river setup is basically a redington crosswater..the reel is the same just stamped with a cabelas logo. But a 9-10ft 8 or 9wt rod with a floating line should be good.
I own a TFO NXT 8/9wt combo. It is a really nice rod, a beautiful green. The reel is pretty small though, and on the plastic cheap side. That is going to be the case with any reel in a starter combo however. Shouldnt be a concern really. You might keep a heavier rod like it in mind if you are going to be after a lot of salmon.
It always amuses me when someone says they want to get into fly fishing for the first time and want to target salmon and steelhead on their first day then go on to say they want to fill their freezer. I'm not trying to discourage you from pursuing your desires, but if you're going to jump into the water without testing to see how cold and fast it is you're going to drown and the next time we see your fly rod will be on EBay. To begin with, learn how to catch trout first and forget about the meat locker. Learn the double haul and roll cast. Study the different stages of aquatic insects and when trout eat them. Know when to decide to switch from sinking line to floating. Become an expert in achieving a drag free drift for as long as possible. Are you overwhelmed yet? It's all part of the fun and experience and if you get good at it you'll never look back. So get yourself a 5 or 6wt rod and a hundred dollar reel with a spare spool and read a lot of books and Youtube videos. And Brandon....tell me where you shop at because I'd like to go in and buy a dozen of those decent fly lines for under 30 bucks.
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If you want to start fly fishing for steelhead and salmon get ready for a lot of days with nothing to show and be patient because you could get discourage!! I would say start fishing with gear set up if you want to get some steelhead and salmon or like Jim (on the fly) said start fly fishing for trout! learn how to walk first before trying to run!!
I'm not trying to be an a$$ just my advice for you!
jim, i meant like a cortland 333+ its a damn good line. esapecially if your using floating line tactics for salmon and steel, you dont need anything special.
I realize you guys are just speaking from the heart and experience but if you read my OP you'll see that I mentioned I know very little about any of this. I mentioned wanting to fill my freezer and I had interest in salmon and steelhead but ALSO asked if I was being too overzealous about getting in to big fish so soon. I am looking for advice, when someone knows so little there is more room for error that is why I am here asking questions and not just saying that I am going to do X and Y despite what people say. Cut me some slack here guys I admitted to knowing nothing and thats why I'm here asking.

I appreciate the advice about line,rods and reels and starter setups for different fish. Keep'em coming!
like stated, fly fishing for salmon and steelhead is hit and miss, and will not fill your freezer. it's more of a challenge and is very rewarding to catch a fish by perfectly presenting the fly.
it can be very discouraging like waco said but if you keep at it you will catch fish. do you know anything about the techniques? there are two main techniques used for salmon and steelhead fly fishing,the easier of the two is dead drifting flies under a strike indicator and the more challenging one would be a tight line down and across swing. dead drifting is more effective hands down but the take from a salmon or steelhead on the swing is said to be magical. its also cheaper to use a dead drift technique because you dont need a 300+ dollar rod and extra lines etc.

so when you know witch one you want to fish with that will determine the setup you should buy.

ill be happy to answer any other away! :D
I appreciate the advice Brandon! I've fished for salmon before from the bank in Washington state.

I'm really looking to get into any sort of fishing at all. Be it trout, salmon or steelhead or bass, etc.

I appreciate the advice guys!
Good luck and be patient. I have been trying to catch salmon and steelhead on a fly rod for 11 years and haven't hooked one yet. It can be discouraging, especially hooking them on casting gear with the exact same fly.

Some generic advice: 8/9 wt, 2 spools, one for floating and one for sinking line and if you have the money to get higher quality line do so. This is one of the few cases where price is going to tell you a lot about quality. $30 is about as low as I would start off for a fly line. If you want to get cheap ones to learn on but you will have a less frustration with higher end lines. And just because a line is $200 doesn't mean it is any better than a $75 line. Really ask around and find a quality line instead of basing it all on price. I have Courtland 333 on my salmon/steelhead rod and it works fine for what I am capable of.

Don't be discouraged by all the technical crap and some saying it isn't worth it. I have seen a couple people fly fishing for salmon that out fished everyone else and I did pretty good on the same day. A lot of salmon and steelhead can be hooked once you learn it and get good at it. It may not be on fly gear but I hook 90% of my salmon on a fly.

I have only caught 50 or so trout on a fly rod and I still almost dread how bad I may mess up when I hook my first salmon or steelhead on one. Don't rip it to set the hook and bow when they breech. Other than that, have a ton of patience and keep trying.
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