Lookout Res. 11-24-2009

Took my father inlaw almost fishing today at lookout. launched at signal point around noon and fished until 3. water temp was about 49-50* and it was a nice day out on the water. warm, sunny, and not windy. seen 1 boat out but only seen him for the first hour then he dissappered somewhere. Tom got a nice 16" rainbow within 5 minutes. All the rest of the fish stayed there and the were all landloacked chinook between 7-12". More than you could shake a stick at. Tom doesn't fish to often and trolls even less so it was good to see him get the first fish, biggest fish, and catch so many you couldn't count them. Soory camera is ful of pics i loaded from my picture database at my moms to get printed out tonight for the fish picture wall in the garage. might take a pic of the cleaned trout tonight.
Way to go Andy!

Way to go Andy!

Good job getting him into fish. :clap: That should have him coming back for more. :dance: :dance:
Congratulations on a nice day fishing :clap:, but then again, you seem to have a lot of nice days! You're making me jealous :lol:
Its because I don't have a job but have a boat and several lakes within 30 minutes to go trollin along with all the other fishing i get to do. don't be fool i have sat in the rain/wind many of times in search of big fish and only came back wet/cold and smelling of skunk. If you are ever in the area we can hook up and troll for some trout.
Congratulations on a nice day fishing :clap:, but then again, you seem to have a lot of nice days! You're making me jealous :lol:
pic of the day

pic of the day

Here is a pic of the 16"er ready for the frying pan. I put a pen in for reference. Managed to save the belly meat after skinning it so take that into consideration as well since the fish was taller but lost its belly in the cleaning process. Nice siced trout. Better that he caught it instead of me since he doesn't troll much and was his first trip out in my boat.
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