Lookout Point Res. 04-01-2010

Spent the afternoon at Lookout. We motored up towards the upper end dogging debris of all shapes and sizes. And had to cross a mine field or two. Started trolling up towards the main channel. Lake was up quite a bit just from when we all when windsurfing and had that BBQ. I can assure you though it wasn't windy at all and only got breezy on the ride back. Didn't get a single bite. The were bugs all over the water up in the upper end and plenty of fish eating them. Really makes you mad when you can't even buy a bite and they are jumping all around you. Got up above the shallows and decided to try to get up some rapids. I trimmed up the prop a bit for saftey but couldn't run at full throttle without it slipping due to lack of water but we did it. Made it up some pretty good curls with my buddy in the bow guiding me left or right when ever the was a boulder to be dodged. Took a piic once me made it up and realized that we weren't gonna find a deep slow hole in the river without going up a least one more set of rapids and shallow water. Also the other day I decided that I didn't need my oars taking up space in the boat because I could use my electric motor if I ever run out of gas. Well some oars would have been nice. Didn't want to run the prop back down in case it hit a rock so I was gonna use the motor as a rudde but that didn't work out so I trimmed it out and we just rode the current down. In the confusion of all this and trying to have my buddy film the decent we got 2 quick clips and the good one I though we got he thought it wasn't recording I told him it was so the good long video is actually him thinking he turned it off and it was actually on. So there is a short video that is mostly audio of us at the bottom ob the rapid after we got sucked in close to the bank in the shallows trying not hit and drag any rocks without any oars to push us out i ende up taking off a shoe and sock and rolling up my pants trying to push us out while he use his boot shoving of of slightly submereged rocks until we got back into the current and downstream a bit wear I could use the motor again. Needless to say I will be putting the oars back in for the just in case senarios like this one wear all the rock scraping could have been avoided. On the way back down we noticed a huge eagle just sitting on the bank watching us troll by and then after we passed he finally decided to take off. Pretty cool passing by one and not even noticing it sitting there looking like a stump and then realizing how close we had been without disturbing it. At first he looked like a stump but I did manage to snap a photo. called it quits soon after and headed into town to selebrate the unsucces of the day.
WARNING: Graphic videos view at your own risk

WARNING: Graphic videos view at your own risk

Due to the mild use of some faul language I ask that you not view these videos if this is something that may offend you and that you have close adult supervision.

At least you got a good tummy shot from Kiska. lol
TTFishon said:
At least you got a good tummy shot from Kiska. lol

lmao i noticed that too in the video. :D

Cool pictures thuggin.
Yeah you can see the stitches from her getting fixed on monday. She not supposed to be out and about but she is less active in the boat then at home.
nice, ill have to go up there sometime again soon... nothing like scaring the crap outta your friends in the shallows. id like to go up there this weekend but going to the yaquina river at tidewater to chase after sturgeon... nice video
somebodies lovin their maddog jacket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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