Lookout Res. 11-19-2009

Caught more fish than were needed today along with all the ones that gott away. Me and my buddy fisherd from noonish until after sundown. Played with the motor and the fish finder. Both work great. My buddy got 2 ice 14" rainbows and all the rest where chinook. A few on the larger side of the common chinokanee. All got on fenders and worms. Seen 2 other boats out and got close enough to 1 to see they were doing well. Put in at signal point and fished around that area. Then went up to were it was creek again and turned back. Water temp was 50* at the launch and 47* up near the inlet. Almost went to dexter. Seen a few boats out and didn't want to be one of them if the cops showed up. Forgot the camera but might take a sink pic before I clean them and add them to the others for the smoker.
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I'm glad that you made it up to Lookout.
When the bite is on I love fishing that lake.

I almost went to Lookout today (11-20) but the weather was bad at Dexter. If it is bad at Dexter then you know it sucks on Lookout.

No luck for me today but I was sitting on butt wishing I was fishing.
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