Fishing the Sandy River

I have only fished the Sandy River twice..catching nothing both times. I seem to give more gear to the river than I do enticing the fish...can someone give me some ideas on what to use? I fish between troutdale and stark street bridges. Thanks!
my advice = If you are loosing gear frequently in the sandy you are most likely using too much weight. I often go all day without a single snag in that river.
Watch what people around you are doing, if you're using more lead than they are you havent caught much but rocks because Salmon/Steel are looking up much more often than down and you've been fishing below them.

If you can only spend minimal time on that water and want maximum chance at finding dinner - use bait.
Floats / bobbers...

Floats / bobbers...

bachman64 said:
I have only fished the Sandy River twice..catching nothing both times. I seem to give more gear to the river than I do enticing the fish...can someone give me some ideas on what to use? I fish between troutdale and stark street bridges. Thanks!

Try learning float fishing, very effective and you very seldom get snagged on the bottom. I like the slip bobber it gives you the option of depth control by the movement of the stopper, from 1 foot below the bobber to as deep as you wish in seconds. Steelhead love night crawlers; just above there heads....:dance:

Thanks Chuck..I will try that out this week...I will let you know how it goes!!
Troutski said:
Try learning float fishing, very effective and you very seldom get snagged on the bottom. I like the slip bobber it gives you the option of depth control by the movement of the stopper, from 1 foot below the bobber to as deep as you wish in seconds. Steelhead love night crawlers; just above there heads....:dance:


The next evolution in steelie jigs are "worm" tails. The jury is still out on the most effective concepts i.e. actual worms, rubber/ simulated, or fur / feathers.

What I've come up with is making the "worm" out of chennele and matching thread, then.... I spin a palmered hackle down the worms lenght and whip finish it. Unlike worms they don't escape, I don't trust the rubber ones as they tend to dislove tackle boxes ( and that is never good). And I can make theses little darlings myself , any weight and any color.

Like troutski said bring it in just over their head.

Steelhead and trout both like hackle.

This works with corkies on the dead drift too.
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Those are sweet looking Finger. I would use one anyday!
Let me know if you would be willing to sell me a some of the pink pearl ones.
I read that you were a fly tier, did you make all of those jigs?
FishSchooler said:
I read that you were a fly tier, did you make all of those jigs?

I didn't make those two specifically, they are proto types I found on the web. However I have turned out a plethria of palmered extended abdomens aka "hackled worm". I've tied them up to Sy's 1/8 oz jig heads (they have the strongest hooks)

Rather than selling them I'd prefer teaching you how to make them. Fly tying is a blast. I'm happy to share what I can. Innovations keep it exciting.

For a couple of hundred dolars you can get a nice set up, your imagination is the limit.

Break out the visa card and I'll met you at Sportsmans and hook you up. Best money you'll ever spend!
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lol finger you made those your self huh? funny i got those in my tackle box too, lol $1.99 at walmart......... they must of stole your idea.........;)
I've the same ones too.
FishFinger said:
The next evolution in steelie jigs are "worm" tails. The jury is still out on the most effective concepts i.e. actual worms, rubber/ simulated, or fur / feathers.

What I've come up with is making the "worm" out of chennele and matching thread, then.... I spin a palmered hackle down the worms lenght and whip finish it. Unlike worms they don't escape, I don't trust the rubber ones as they tend to dislove tackle boxes ( and that is never good). And I can make theses little darlings myself , any weight and any color.

Like troutski said bring it in just over their head.

Steelhead and trout both like hackle.

This works with corkies on the dead drift too.

Those look like dynamite...I would float them under my float any time for Trout and Steelies...Put me in for a half dozen of both colors...Very cool.

No I didn't make those, they are images I got off the web to illustrate the jig styles becoming available, just like I said in my OP.

However, shortly I will begin offering up images of what I have, do, and can tie in hopes of keeping the "jig gig" cutting edge.....

gold_smokie said:
lol finger you made those your self huh? funny i got those in my tackle box too, lol $1.99 at walmart......... they must of stole your idea.........;)
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Has anybody had any luck over at Sandy? I was there last Saturday to pick up some spinner bodies from Jack's Tackle and drove towards Dodge Park(I guess as I'm not familiar with the area), but the water was kind of a peanut butter green so I didn't drive up to the park...

Any reports? How about next Saturday for some steelies?
meluvtrout said:
Has anybody had any luck over at Sandy? I was there last Saturday to pick up some spinner bodies from Jack's Tackle and drove towards Dodge Park(I guess as I'm not familiar with the area), but the water was kind of a peanut butter green so I didn't drive up to the park...

Any reports? How about next Saturday for some steelies?

That's like the perfect off colour conditions for the Sandy. I haven't hit the Sandy in well over a month, but I would imagine there has to be some early winters moving in. I'll get a hold of a few friends "in the know" and see that's happening.

I'll be back in town late Sat; if reports are promising perhaps we could plan a outing to the Sandy on Sunday if that works for ya.
Went to the Sandy today and nothing...

Saw two trout jump the entire afternoon, no other sign of fish life, other than the skeleton of a spawned out salmon. :(

Two guys in a boat came by and reported the same.

It seems to be hit or miss with the few fish currently in the system now.

River was a little clearer compared to the last time I was there a week or so ago.

Only a matter of time...

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