Eat your bait?

I've often wondered what ghost shrimp (sand shrimp) taste like and how you would prepare them... recently I found a video from a guy that calls himself the Wild Gourmet and used to serve them in his restaurant... Mole crabs, too....

I have eaten bait before... clams, mussels, etc... but never ghost shrimp...

Anyone ever try 'em?
well... I did it...

well... I did it...

Tried some fresh ghost shrimp that I harvested today.
Fried it up in a little olive oil and then removed the legs... ate it shell and all.

Tasted like a cross between pumpkin, crab, and shrimp. Not bad... the shell was very thin and crispy and the inside was... well.. kinda tasty, really...


Ugh! I'm pretty good about not eating things labeled "not for human consumption". Too much of a traditionalist to be eating squiggly bugs,nope,not gonna make it. :naughty: You guys enjoy for me....I'll stick with pbj. :D Be safe.
I've eaten corn, crawdad tails, prawns,and herring which are often used as baits. But as RC said nothing labeled "not for human consumption"
Ugh! I'm pretty good about not eating things labeled "not for human consumption". Too much of a traditionalist to be eating squiggly bugs,nope,not gonna make it. :naughty: You guys enjoy for me....I'll stick with pbj. :D Be safe.

Those "squiggly bugs" are really closely related to crawfish... matter of fact, in Australia, they call 'em "yabbies"... the same name that they use for crawfish...
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