Dead skunk!


Well-known member
I had to go to the Wilson to do it, but the skunk is dead.:yay::yay: I fish the upper Wilson and got a nice native Coho buck. About 8 lbs. and already pretty dark. I forgot the camera in the truck and so no pics, it would have been hard to take photo and land fish at the same time anyway.

I was at a hole near mile post 16 and caught it on a #4 Orange Blue Fox spinner. First time catching a salmon on a spinner in the river.

Beaverfan, It's too bad you logged off so soon this afternoon I was hoping to take you with me today.


I wish I could have made it out there with you. You must have sent me the PM right as I was leaving to go last minute Sturgeon trip with my dad. Congratulations on drowning that skunk, it sure is a great feeling! Hopefully there's still some fish in there next time I make it out.
Hopefully my buddy can get clearance from his wife to go fishing this weekend (im broke but its his turn to pay). I'll be lookin to hit high rather than low since that seems to be where all the action is.
Thanks for the encouragement.

If your going today it may still be good but watch the river level once it starts to rain!

the places you guys are talkin....i have been fishing there lot tell me if i'm wrong....they all looked dark to far as targeting coho...since there's not a very big run of hatchery...i don target' near jones reek and trailbridge....i was there last night...and i probably saw..atleat 50 nooks..they all were in the act of spawining and right before th can see'em beatin gravel and their was very beautiful to see and very tragic at the same time....
i don think that there's that many no of fish in upper wilson...and i'm talkin bout nooks.
When I've been there at mile marker 21 there have been tons of Coho around and very few Chinook. Every Chinook I saw up that high was certainly old nearly dead springers. Most of the Coho I have seen up that high are just barely turning red. Are the Chinook in there Tules?
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