clear lake reports?...

headed up this weekend (sunday-tuesday) we'll have three boats for the trip and i want to go after the big ones... so if anyone has any suggestions on going after the big ones please help me out!

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I have not been there in a few years but I caught fish by just trolling a night crawler on a long leader of four pound test.
:doh: No clue here.

:think: Though perhaps you should take a digital camera with and teach us how to fish it! ;)
i will be taking a camera and i will be taking lots of pics even if i don't catch very many fish :lol:
Clear lake...

Clear lake...

Which clear lake are we talking about ?

the non-motorized one head of the Mckenzie :D

oh and i will be fishing the river on my way up to :D i love that water
of course we got up there with out the camera:(:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: my dad forgot it.... grrrrrrrrrr the fishing was great, we didn't fidn any of the larger trout but we did get some that were around 12-13 in. :D the weather was excellent, the water was a little less clear than i remember it, but still as cold as ever :D
huh. Where'd you find the fish?!!! I just went up last week and got nothing for 5 hours until we headed to where the creek flows in and caught a bunch of 8-10 inchers. Place was worth the drive though. Just beautiful.
we went into one of the coves (the farthest one from the lodge) and just started casting and retreaving at dusk :D
That's where I've caught most of my fish from clear lake too. You're talking about the cove by the other campground, the one without the resort, right? Ive always done really well from there, past the campground, then all the way up the lava shoreline over the flooded forest to the point across from the lodge. I've never caught anything over 12 inches from clear lake, but man, I've had days where I left because the fishing was TOO good!

Has anyone pulled any brookies out of clear lake? I know they're there, but really hard to catch, especially with all the stockers taking all the bait.


chunk_style said:
That's where I've caught most of my fish from clear lake too. You're talking about the cove by the other campground, the one without the resort, right? Ive always done really well from there, past the campground, then all the way up the lava shoreline over the flooded forest to the point across from the lodge. I've never caught anything over 12 inches from clear lake, but man, I've had days where I left because the fishing was TOO good!

Has anyone pulled any brookies out of clear lake? I know they're there, but really hard to catch, especially with all the stockers taking all the bait.

I've heard that they are in there but never caught one my self...I have caught them in Carmen and Smith...not real fatties by any means but never the less Brookies...
Had my best luck throwing spoons in the flat areas in the early am or early evening....Tight lines..

i've never caught one out of there but suposidly they're getting pretty big, (13-16 in.)??? i talked to a guy outside of the lodge when i paddled over there and he said thatt they are deep and very clever :shock: but it doesn't surprise me
Just at the lake or is that the brookie's preferances, cause I caught tons of em at a different lake, they eat anything that smells good or looks good. They just keep jumpin and jumpin where I was. They were up in 2' most of the time, hiding under rocks and logs, then jumpin and jumpin.
this lake is pretty much a drop off no shallow places really, and the places that it is shallow there isn't much cover... ;)
Well gurd look to yu mr boy who fishies!
lol you're funny...:lol:
Whaeva you say mr. boy who fishies!
ok well then do you want to go buy me a brand new truck and boat? :lol:
Whaeva you say mr. boy who fishies! Erm.... no, but yar can boy me a boat and truck mr boy who fishies! :D

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