Well hit the sandy this morning around, well I'm not to sure what time it was:think:. Hit it with kirkster, we fished arond pipeline for a while and saw fish rolling and jumping but no action on the end of the rods. We decided to make our way down river a little bit and see what was going on there.
Got to the next hole, I have to say I really like this hole. I started out tossing a spinner as well did Kirk. On his first cast he had what he thought was a snag for a sec then the snag started tugging back at him:shock:. That fish on lasted for about ten secs.
I decided to switch to eggs and bober, not to long after that I got fish on. Landed a ok size buck. About ten minutes later Kirk is still tossing the spinner and as it is dropping down in the water it got hit fish on, this one turns out to be a nice big fat hen. Just so happens to be Kirks first fish on a spinner and have to say I think he liked it. As he is fighting this fish I start to get ready to reel in my eggs to see if I can help him land it and wouldn't you know it fish on:dance:. Had to yell to him "Sorry your on your own man we got us a double":lol: Now there is a sign of a good hole when you are the only two people in said hole and you end up with a double. Turns out we both got some eggs from the double both get hens.
(I won't say this to often but his was bigger then mine)
Little more time goes on I miss a couple bober downs and then there it is another one on the spinner. Kirk ends up landing a buck this time.
So have to say was a good day on the water four fish landed and we were leaving with a day still. Left at around 1:00pm.

Got to the next hole, I have to say I really like this hole. I started out tossing a spinner as well did Kirk. On his first cast he had what he thought was a snag for a sec then the snag started tugging back at him:shock:. That fish on lasted for about ten secs.
I decided to switch to eggs and bober, not to long after that I got fish on. Landed a ok size buck. About ten minutes later Kirk is still tossing the spinner and as it is dropping down in the water it got hit fish on, this one turns out to be a nice big fat hen. Just so happens to be Kirks first fish on a spinner and have to say I think he liked it. As he is fighting this fish I start to get ready to reel in my eggs to see if I can help him land it and wouldn't you know it fish on:dance:. Had to yell to him "Sorry your on your own man we got us a double":lol: Now there is a sign of a good hole when you are the only two people in said hole and you end up with a double. Turns out we both got some eggs from the double both get hens.

Little more time goes on I miss a couple bober downs and then there it is another one on the spinner. Kirk ends up landing a buck this time.
So have to say was a good day on the water four fish landed and we were leaving with a day still. Left at around 1:00pm.