best bet?

Clack's runnin at around 13ft and pushing above 50F. It's also starting to clear up nicely. I don't know about the sandy but the clack definitely has springers in it.
it should be a unanimous answer.....itsssssssssssssssssssss...................the clack....yeah this time clack is your best bet for both nooks and summer metals..
it should be a unanimous answer.....itsssssssssssssssssssss...................the clack....yeah this time clack is your best bet for both nooks and summer metals..
Not going to ask for a detailed description of your "honey hole" or anything, but, are they spread throughout the river system or should I be targeting a specific locale? Was thinking of hitting the various parks/banks along the lower clack/gladstone area after work. Good bet? Or should I be heading up stream?

Not going to ask for a detailed description of your "honey hole" or anything, but, are they spread throughout the river system or should I be targeting a specific locale? Was thinking of hitting the various parks/banks along the lower clack/gladstone area after work. Good bet? Or should I be heading up stream?


theer's no secret hole on clack man...that river is pounded and exploited than any other river in vicinity
they are all over the river...i got three nooks a lil up and down coffee hole... but be careful there ..there's not much bank access and its kinda tough to drift one bank drifting below barton park...
had 4 steelies round about same spots too....
I donno about eggs cuz i didn't had any...don want to buy store crap either but i used red prawn tails and bingo............
Well then. The Clack it is. We should be down there by 6-ish. Prob. start at Riverside. So, if anyone sees one dude in camo waders with a confused/angry look on his face, standing (fishless) next to another dude in hip boots with 100 yards of line wrapped around him, don't hesitate to say "Hi".
I'll be out tomorrow morning...probably going to skip the waders(way to nice out) and be rocking some Hawaiian shorts, White UNC hat. I'll be at Riverside early...although lately doesn't seem to matter what time I get out I go home with out fish, curious.:think:
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