Backbouncing for winter steel?!?


Well-known member
Last spring my dad and I had a lot of luck backbouncing prawns for early summer steel in the upper Willamette my question is would this be an effective method for winter steel just below the mouth of the Clack? It seems if you could find a decent spot to anchor you could just backbounce a prawn right into a nice seam and have some success. What do you guys think?
Last spring my dad and I had a lot of luck backbouncing prawns for early summer steel in the upper Willamette my question is would this be an effective method for winter steel just below the mouth of the Clack? It seems if you could find a decent spot to anchor you could just backbounce a prawn right into a nice seam and have some success. What do you guys think?

I've caught most of my winters floating prawns. I don't know about backbouncing but I don't see why not.
Never done it or seen it done but if ur in a spot fish are moving through would think it would work as good as anything... Could side drift in the willy Or big c and to don't forget! I know that works so back bouncing should to. I say might as well try it what's the worse that can happen?
Back Bouncing works for every type of fish. Its the techinque that makes it work. Its a slow presentation stright to the fish. The problem with that is it often times results in hooking the fish deep into the fishes mouth/gills/and stomach. When native fish are present, I stay away from BB'ing.
Very similar presentation wise to diver/bait which is very productive for steelhead. But as already stated fish hooked very deep are pretty common....
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