Admin in Ukraine?

I heard Russian soldiers are defecting they dont want to be there, sad day indeed! Putin can bomb the hell out of Ukraine but a pissed off Country can fight a gorilla war for years!
I hope there are people around Putin that can keep his finger off the nuclear button. If you've watched recent videos of him, you have to question his mental stability.
I realize most participants in this thread have retreated to a safe space but if you're still here, check this out. How do you feel about it? I'm not sure. I can support not allowing future purchases but they already bought these bottles. But then there is the symbolic side to removing current inventory that I might get behind too.

Seems like all that vodka is gonna go back to Russia, they will just drink more of it 🤣
Just wanted to post about this. Anatoliy, not sure where you are right now but I hope you, and those around you are well.

I have not much to say, but ALL civilized people in this world are sickened by Putin, wish there was more they could do to support and contribute to the incredible bravery, and unwavering resolve the citizens of Ukraine have shown for their beautiful brothers and sisters. This is an absolute atrocity. West, South, North, East, whoever, this will never be forgotten.

The US government has commited their own share of despicable acts, as have many other governments, that can't go without being said. But the citizens, the CITIZENS around the world, who are about love, and independence, and family, stand with Ukraine. I wish you all the very best. And hope beyond hope for your success with minimal bloodshed. Please take care, Anatoliy.
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It took me 5 days to move from east to west, but now I'm safe. Well, as safe as it's possible in a country that is under attack. At least I don't hear any more the sounds of rockets hitting the nearby buildings.

And guess what. I had just 5 minutes to jump in my car and go. And I had a spinning in the trunk from the fall. So when I was stopped and checked, I was asked - what the hell? you are running away, you didn't take anything, but you took a spinning??!!
PayPal decided to support Ukrainians and let us not just spend but to receive money also!

"Ukrainian customers can now send and receive payments between family and friends, and we are temporarily waiving our fees for all Ukrainian accounts."

I added a "Donate" button on the home page, so you can donate with PayPal or with your credit card (processed by PayPal).

P.S. I guess I should explain why I'm asking for help. Here is my neighborhood the next day I escaped it.

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