2-4-10 true story

I went fishing at the JCP today. I caasted out my line and set my pole against my tackle box and was talking to one of the regulars there. As we were talking she yelled your pole, out fo the corner of my eye I see my pole going into the water. I stand there in disbelive, and gather my thoughts. I then set up my lure pole, for bait and the regular lends me a rod holder. Next thing I know the regular is reeling in and has my pole and fish on her line. The fish breaks off but I get my pole back. The next thing I know I have a bite on my other pole. I land the fish and it is a 26 1/2 inch steelie with a tag in it. He still had my hook and line in her mouth. So I cacth the fish once and lose my pole and the fish gets away. Then I catch the fish again. I would never have told this story if there weren't other people there to back up my story.
Great story! And great fish! :clap:
P.S. Don't forget to call that number on the tag. ;)
. He still had my hook and line in her mouth.

Great story and nice fish:clap: Was the He supposed to be She?? Anyway I like the story and welcome to the forum. Fishing stories like that are ones you will never forget. Good job getting your pole back and the fish too:lol:
Thanks for reading my story and I did call in the tag. I was a little dissapointed when I called and it was a recording and not a real person.
Nice story! I actually heard it at the pond last week! Nice to see it here! My daughter hooked one of those steelies, broke her line though! Good job, I hope to get back out there soon I have been working on my new house.
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