Just curious if anyone has fished Warner lake before? It's in the Coburg Hills. I fished it a few times back in the mid 90's. We caught a ton of rainbows.
TTFishon said:It's easy once you know where it is and what logging roads to take to get there. Problem is last time I went up there they had logged all around it and I think it's on Roseboro land. I went hunting up near there last year and there were signs posted everywhere. Too bad to because it was a cool little lake. Lots of fish with a great view of the Willamette Valley.
So how far are you willing to drive/hike?
yellowjacket said:My neighbor just told me of Warner today & I was satellite map scouting. Shortest route for me near the Airport is up N. Coburg Rd. Any knowledge of this way in? Is Roseboro land acc'd to the neighbor and says price creek or princeboro are the 2 ways in. Thought it might make for a nice low population bike ride on a holiday weekend. Neighbor told of catching a 4-5 lb trout with 5 crayfish in the belly so I'm ready!
TTFishon said:That's all private that way but I'm sure there's a gated logging road. A buddy of mine is a log truck driver and he hauled logs out that way from the lake's general area.
Please, please snap a pic if you find it. It's been a while since I've been there and it would be good to see how it has grown. The trees around the lake should be about ten to thirteen feet by my uneducated guess.
If you want crawdads for bait I've caught them there using a night crawler.
Good luck and I kind of want a report but at the same time I don't if you know what I mean.
rainbowfisherman said:is there good fly fisahing in that lake?