Warner Lake

Just curious if anyone has fished Warner lake before? It's in the Coburg Hills. I fished it a few times back in the mid 90's. We caught a ton of rainbows.
Warner Lake, Oregon

The only Warner lake I know of is in the boonies not terribly far from Oakridge, near the warner mountain lookout. It was a real cool place to go when we were kids, we would camp at the top of this mountain and there was never anyone else there, real small lake with a ton of downed trees in it, great for a little raft we had. Lots of huge 'bows when I was a kid. The last time I was up there was probably '98. I heard that it's since been fished out because word got out there were monsters. It's really dissapointing, all those years we practiced catch and release...only for it to be fished out anyways. I was thinking about maybe going up there this summer if the road is still open and checking it out for myself with my 'toon.

Your warner in the coburg hills though I do not know if, is it easy to get to? I'm trying to find new places to fish locally since my gas budget is lacking.
It's easy once you know where it is and what logging roads to take to get there. Problem is last time I went up there they had logged all around it and I think it's on Roseboro land. I went hunting up near there last year and there were signs posted everywhere. Too bad to because it was a cool little lake. Lots of fish with a great view of the Willamette Valley.

So how far are you willing to drive/hike?
Anglers will find largemouth bass, cutthroat trout, crappie and catfish, with excellent fishing in the spring.

i got that from google haha
I have never fished it, but I do know where it is. Got caught skinny dipping once by security...not a pleasant experence.
If I could live any place in Oregon - that would be it hands down. After the first time there I just couldn't believe a place like that existed in Oregon. I found it Mountain Biking behind Shotgun Creek, so the first time was the back way in. After that it was by road and car. Thanks for the memory blast...great memories (except for the getting caught with my pants off) part.
My first experience there was really good. We all caught a bunch of fish and while my friends were fishing I decided to try to find another lake that was supposed to be above Warner. While I was up in the trees a very small new born fawn stepped out of the bushes about five feet from me. I stayed my distance knowing mom would reject it if I were to get my scent on it. While I started to tell it to run next time it sees another human another fawn stepped out of the bushes. I stood there and talked to both fawns for about ten minutes until I heard mom walking through the brush below me then I got the heck out of there. I'm not a very spiritual person but that was a spiritual moment for me.
Road from Priceboro

Road from Priceboro

TTFishon said:
It's easy once you know where it is and what logging roads to take to get there. Problem is last time I went up there they had logged all around it and I think it's on Roseboro land. I went hunting up near there last year and there were signs posted everywhere. Too bad to because it was a cool little lake. Lots of fish with a great view of the Willamette Valley.

So how far are you willing to drive/hike?

My neighbor just told me of Warner today & I was satellite map scouting. Shortest route for me near the Airport is up N. Coburg Rd. Any knowledge of this way in? Is Roseboro land acc'd to the neighbor and says price creek or princeboro are the 2 ways in. Thought it might make for a nice low population bike ride on a holiday weekend. Neighbor told of catching a 4-5 lb trout with 5 crayfish in the belly so I'm ready!
yellowjacket said:
My neighbor just told me of Warner today & I was satellite map scouting. Shortest route for me near the Airport is up N. Coburg Rd. Any knowledge of this way in? Is Roseboro land acc'd to the neighbor and says price creek or princeboro are the 2 ways in. Thought it might make for a nice low population bike ride on a holiday weekend. Neighbor told of catching a 4-5 lb trout with 5 crayfish in the belly so I'm ready!

That's all private that way but I'm sure there's a gated logging road. A buddy of mine is a log truck driver and he hauled logs out that way from the lake's general area.
Please, please snap a pic if you find it. It's been a while since I've been there and it would be good to see how it has grown. The trees around the lake should be about ten to thirteen feet by my uneducated guess.
If you want crawdads for bait I've caught them there using a night crawler.
Good luck and I kind of want a report but at the same time I don't if you know what I mean.
Got Yer Pic

Got Yer Pic

TTFishon said:
That's all private that way but I'm sure there's a gated logging road. A buddy of mine is a log truck driver and he hauled logs out that way from the lake's general area.
Please, please snap a pic if you find it. It's been a while since I've been there and it would be good to see how it has grown. The trees around the lake should be about ten to thirteen feet by my uneducated guess.
If you want crawdads for bait I've caught them there using a night crawler.
Good luck and I kind of want a report but at the same time I don't if you know what I mean.

View from the south bank towards the road. Thought I 'd throw in a pic of a couple springers in a redd in my favorite little creek from a few weeks back.
the 3 1/2 mile uphill bike out !!!!
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Trees & fast drop off

Trees & fast drop off

rainbowfisherman said:
is there good fly fisahing in that lake?

It is either hike or bike in, the trees are right down to the water's edge so no way to back cast. The bottom drops off fast, I wore hip boots and there was only one spot I dared to step in & I was up to the top of the boots, one more step would put you above your head and the bottom is soft. Most spots look to be one step & you'd be in 10' deep or more.
Hey there, I'm trying to find out more about Warner Lake. I see yellowjacket posted thumbnails -- that is, I don't actually see them -- it says "attached thumbnails" but there are no pics! What's going on?
Nice!!! I can picture the valley on the other side. A guy that bought my boat last summer told me that he and his friends got caught trespassing there and got a pretty big fine. I can't remember the number but I remember thinking "holy crap". I don't know if it was a fluke thing or if they got caught because they were on their quads. Either way, I lost interest. I'll never forget that place though. Thanks for sharing.
I bought a mower from a gentleman in North Coburg recently & mentioned the lake to him as his place is close to the "saddle horn". He told me that on the Priceboro Rd. entry that Rosboro has cameras that will record vehicle & plate numbers and that someone he knew got a ticket & fine in the mail for something like $450. Apparently they still Patrol that pretty regularly so should someone be inclined to trespass & take the risk be prepared for one of the most expensive fish dinners you'll probably ever have. I only went in the one time & rode my mountain bike. Quick trip down the hill but serious exercise going back up!! Was 35 minutes of lowest gear & puffing like an old steam engine. Made it nonstop all except for about the last 300 yds to the tank trap then had to push. Did C&R some nice 'bows.
I've got that electile dysfunction too, but mine regresses to vintage Hollywood!! It's like having to choose either Laurel or Hardy:doh:
I found this on their website, "Affective April 1, 2012 Rosboro Lands located within the Coburg Hills are closed to recreational access. The names of tracts closed to recreational access include Kamphers, Courtney Creek, and Warner."
I'm trying to branch this summer, because I'm not in Oregon next year, trying to do my best to get as much new fishing vessels.
We used to fish warner a lot when my dad worked for them then they closed it even for employees,their security gaurds are sneeky as hell too

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