Walter Wirth/Walling

ive only been to these two places once each and havent had any luck at all :confused:.
does anyone have any tips or advice?
itd be much appreciated.
im heading down to one of those places tomorrow or sunday :dance:
I've been having great luck with the bubble and fly method at Walter Wirth. As far as Walling goes, I have been most successful with Power Bait (sherbert).
So your fly fishing? or are u just using a fly?
I don't think it is technically fly fishing- I use a long spinner rod with a light bubble followed by a leader with a fly attached. The fish at Walter Wirth seem to love the fly. I haven't tried the method at Walling.
Yeah I've used the bubble and fly method at big cliff and it works alright.
I didn't end up going to either if these places, I decided to hit up a small local private lake instead. I'll be sure to go to Walter Wirth sometime soon though.

Second fly

Second fly

18406ej said:
I don't think it is technically fly fishing- I use a long spinner rod with a light bubble followed by a leader with a fly attached. The fish at Walter Wirth seem to love the fly. I haven't tried the method at Walling.

Have you ever tried using a second fly along with your setup ? It's legal to use a dropper fly; when I fly fish I all ways use a second fly, it increases your chances 50%.:dance: :clap:

I will have to try that. God knows I need all the help I can get...
When you guys do this what kinda dry fly do you use? I know nothing about dry fly fishing in lakes so im curious.
I try to match the hatch or find a reasonable dry pattern and tie a 10" dropper to a egg pattern; don't be afraid of trying different floats along the way... . Very effective when drifted over holding fish...very effective; keep the line size small for the dropper (3-4#) with the clear water we are lucky to have the fish are a bit leader shy.
well powerbait and even spinners like panther martins and blue fox's are working, also try the fly. the hot spot seems to be at the bank to the right of the dock.
awesome thank you all for the advice
i have plenty of panther martins ill be sure to try em out

spring needs to come!!! :D
went to walter wirth today
tried bubble and a fly and powerbait
shouldnt have went in the first place
too rainy
yeah it wasn't worth going to walter wirth. had no luck with a cast master either! couldnt believe it?:think:
when you say just to the right of the dock are you talking about the small dock out to the left or the one thats elevated and lined with wood railings
I think he means the area just to the right of the water intake dock, which is the raised cement structure on the left-hand side of the pond as you face the East. Fish between that and the loading ramp, which is where you will see all of the "regulars". The one with railings is the handicapped access area.
My First...

My First...

G'Day Everyone...

I just found this Forum in trying to learn as much about fishing as I can. My boy has been bugging me for a couple of years now to take him fishing, and my buddies keep bogin' out on me, so I dove in head first this year not knowing a thing.

We went to Walter Wirth on Friday (evening) and my very first cast God blessed me and I hooked a 12 inch trout. I was surprised to say the least. I tried to hand it off to my boy but he said he wanted to catch his own. So I brought it home.

Cleaning was probably quite a funny thing to see, and after a couple of phone calls I learned you are supposed to take out that dark blood just under the spine (what is that?).

Anyway, thought I would share my quick story with you all, and look forward to gleening as much info as possible :D
DethanB said:
Cleaning was probably quite a funny thing to see, and after a couple of phone calls I learned you are supposed to take out that dark blood just under the spine (what is that?).

I've heard various things from that's the fish's kidney, to it's just a major artery, so what it actually is I have no idea. And either way you actually don't need to take it out if you are removing the fillet from the backbone and ribs.

P.S. I forgot to recommend you take your son up to Detroit or Big Cliff lakes as the weather warms up a bit, spring and fall can be a lot of fun, but as soon as summer gets here the fish go deep, real deep.
I won't even go near trying to fillet at this time! It was a major accomplishment for me just to clean it out, I have no idea how to fillet a fish yet.

As for the Detroit & Big Cliff idea. I was thinking about going up there, but with the major snow falls they've had up there I thought I would wait a few weeks for it to warm up a bit. In fact I heard 22 was closed at detroit?! With that being said, I do plan on trying it out, but for now Walter Wirth and Walling will work for us.

Is there any other places to go locally?
DethanB said:
I won't even go near trying to fillet at this time! It was a major accomplishment for me just to clean it out, I have no idea how to fillet a fish yet.

It's actually not that hard, gut/clean the fish, now just cut down the spine until you hit the rib cage. Some people cut down through the ribs and then remove them later. Instead I follow the ribs, only cutting through the pin bones. This is all much easier on large fish. I don't worry about the pin bones as they always seem to soften enough while cooking.

It's all just a matter of practice, and some minimal knowledge of the fish's anatomy (which you'll understand after a fish or two).

As for the Detroit & Big Cliff idea. I was thinking about going up there, but with the major snow falls they've had up there I thought I would wait a few weeks for it to warm up a bit. In fact I heard 22 was closed at detroit?! With that being said, I do plan on trying it out, but for now Walter Wirth and Walling will work for us.

Yeah, that's why I recommended once the weather gets better. Myself, I'm dying to get up to Green Peter but I'm just not going to try my luck until the snow lightens up a bit.

Is there any other places to go locally?

E.E. Wilson down on 99W, there's also a decent sized lake that damns Rickreall creek a few miles west of Dallas, the name escapes me at the moment, but it's out there.

Edit: OK, I've got the name of that lake by Dallas, Aaron Mercer Reservoir, Aaron Mercer Reservoir Fishing in Polk County, Oregon | Fishing Works
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chris61182 said:
It's actually not that hard, gut/clean the fish, now just cut down the spine until you hit the rib cage. Some people cut down through the ribs and then remove them later. Instead I follow the ribs, only cutting through the pin bones. This is all much easier on large fish. I don't worry about the pin bones as they always seem to soften enough while cooking.

I'll have to catch a few more before I try my luck on one. Currently I've only caught "One" which isn't much to practice on?! I'm really hoping the boy catches one in the next couple of weeks to keep his interest in it!

chris61182 said:
E.E. Wilson down on 99W, there's also a decent sized lake that damns Rickreall creek a few miles west of Dallas, the name escapes me at the moment, but it's out there.

Edit: OK, I've got the name of that lake by Dallas, Aaron Mercer Reservoir, Aaron Mercer Reservoir Fishing in Polk County, Oregon | Fishing Works

I'll have to look these up and give them a try. Are these stocked as well by ODFW? :think:

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