WallEye Guys/Girls

Troutier Bassier
Active member
is there any wallkeye fishermen on this forum??? I havent seen much on Walleye. I love to catch walleye. They taste absoultly great and are a challenge to catch. Dose anyone else fish for theM???
Where have you caught them at?
sandy river delta. I was fishing for bass with a kastmaster and i caught 3 in a row.
I have always wanted to fish for em. We have a resivoir up here outside of eugene that they put some in about a year or two ago but i have never tried to fish em.
I love fishing for Walleyes! I have never had much luck anywhere in Oregon. I do most of my fishing for walleyes in Minnesota, great fishing out there!
Accidental catch

Accidental catch

I was trolling for Salmon two weeks ago and wasn't paying attention to where I was and the next thing I knew I was in about 20 feet of water and panic set in; I had about 125 feet of line out with 1 oz. of weight my rod started bouncing and I figured I was on the bottom. So I picked up my rod and the bottom started pulling back, low and behold a Walleye. Talk about being surprised, it wasn't very big (12") but even at that size it had a set of teeth. I can't imagine what a 25 incher would look like. Does the ODFW regulate the catch on these introduced fish? If it has only been a year since they were put in there these fish are doing just fine.
I was dragging a night crawler with a special Koke rig I got from a member on this site, thanks Troutski. Even though it wasn't meant for Walleyes it worked just fine.

Right on...

Right on...

Cool, that's the first one I know of that has been caught. I want that spinner back, no I mean it I want it back...:lol::D Congratulations...I believe you could make a shore lunch from a few of those. Walleye in my own back yard, lucky me..

never personally fished walleye but always thought it would be fun... used to watch the tournaments we would have in north eastern oregon on the columbia for walleye... see some real beautiful walleye. 15-20 lb walleye. and what lake around eugene here did they put some walleye in?
the biggest walleye I ever caught was 29 inchs

Sorry, Couldent find any pics.
It had teeth tho,
sharp ones too.
In the state I fish walleye 29" is a pig! Only got one around that size, & hopefully she is still making babies. Developing the OR walleye fishery is good news since they are easy to catch and very tasty. I like to eat em under 20" as I've heard the big uns aren't as good. Walleye, smallmouth, & panfish seem to co-exist in the same environments and probably eat each other!


I was read the posts here and found this one on walleye fishing.I've never fished for them but would love to sometime.I read in one of the posts that the odfw put some walleye in one of the lake down here around Eugene,which one was it?i'd love to take out my toon and try for them if i can find them.
I don't think odfw put walleye in Lookout Point. I'm pretty sure they do not want them in there. I think someone illegally put them in there. That's what I got out of the article in the Register Guard.
You can Catch walleye MANY different ways. My favorite are trolling perch or shad colored crankbaits, Jig Drifting with worms. Or fishing with Scaulpin Lookin Baits. (Hook Jig) So I caught my 3 walleye at the sandy delta I was fishing The larger Kastmaster and I felt my line go up so I set it and Whamo! I had A Walleye. My daddy was happy.
I love walley fishing, but haven't done any in Oregon yet, just waiting for the right opportunity. I've done most of my serious fishing fore walley in Canada.
Yeppp. The best Places to go walleye fishing here are in the east colombia where mcnary lake is. Profesional walleye fisherman Ed Iman (Look it up) Goes there and takes people on guided trips and they always catch something. Also there are a lot of walleye clubs here.So Have fun and join a club.
Well I heard that Columbia will produce the worlds next biggest walleye. The current walleye record is 22lbs and the record here is 19lbs. There could very easily be a Giant lurking in the waters. there always is. I want to catch it!

So in other words. Has anyone caught walleye from the shore????
Never been fishing up around that area. I need to make a trip up there and do some fishin in some new territory
in the 9 years i lived there... never did a spec of walleye fishing... altho found a nice dead one wash up bout 15 lbs or so in the boardman marina
My son and I caught a dozen smaller males in the Boradman area at the end of April using jigs and blades.

On Fathers' Day Saturday, my father-in-law and I are booked for a guided bass/walleye trip near Rufus. Am really getting the walleye bug.

Next spring, I am buying a better boat so that I can fish the McNary area or Washington's seep lakes for walleye. (My wife really enjoys their table quality).
Wow, are you booked with Ed Iman???? Hes a good friend of my dads. ive meet him 3 times and read his book about walleye fishing.

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