Superstitious ???

Mad dog
Anyone on here superstitious when it comes to fishing? Have to preform certain rituals before a fishing trip? Eat a certain breakfast? Carry charms? :lol: I might be one of the worst! :rolleyes:

I think we are stuck listening to the Foo Fighters, "In your honor" cd for the rest of the springer run! :think: :lol: Seems to be what brought the good Kharma!
I'm not Superstitious at all but there is one thing I do when the fish are not biting.

"The Fishy Dance"
Make hand jestures like this guy -----> :dance:
Turn in a circle and say over and over, "Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fiishy"
Stop everything after one complete circle.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You don't always have to do all of it. Just Say "Fishy, Fishy, Fishy" or make the :dance: movements or turn in a circle.

LMAO, I'm not joking. I do this to help fight the boredom :P


I have a small carved halibut made out of petrified walrus ivory, carved by a handcarver on st paul island in the bering sea, the guy that carved it said it would bring the fish to me.... so Ive taken it on every trip for about 6 yrs. Don't know if it really helps but now people like to rub it for luck.:rolleyes::think:
When there not biting I'll start organizing my tbox. Sure enough the bob will start moving. This only works with lake bobbing or plunking. But when your dooing something else is always when they come
Eat a Banana....

Eat a Banana....

I make sure I eat a banana before I go fishing....not sure if it helps the fishing but my leg cramps vanished. ;)

norwegian fishermen and tongans think bananas on a boat are bad luck! make sure you eat it in your truck!!:lol:
I have a few: my grandpa made a necklace out of corkies, spin n glos, surgical tubing and a bobber for the center piece it has been passed down and now my cousins boy uses it he is five years old and brought out the fishing necklace for good luck last weekend and sure enough he caught the first sturgeon of the day.
I also don't allow pocket change on my boat.
I don't let bananas on my boat... still not sure why?!!
one time when I was at clear lake trolling I had a little thing going.

Every cast I would let my line out , put in it the holder , pull my stringer out of the water, put it back in, then dip my hands in the water, then take a sip of my soda and bam, fish on for at least 7 fish in a row.

i dont know if it was a charm or if the fishing was really good, maybe a little o both
Idk, When I was sturgeon fishing, My dads friend, Every time he got out a smoke Id have a sturgeon on, And when he was done, I had it in or another one on. But when he was not smoking, I wouldent ge a bite????

other then that, My friend has a luckey salmon shirt, He wears it everytime he goes salmon/steelhead fishing. it smells very very stale and has 18 (I counted) holes in it.
Troutier Bassier said:
Idk, When I was sturgeon fishing, My dads friend, Every time he got out a smoke Id have a sturgeon on, And when he was done, I had it in or another one on. But when he was not smoking, I wouldent ge a bite????

other then that, My friend has a luckey salmon shirt, He wears it everytime he goes salmon/steelhead fishing. it smells very very stale and has 18 (I counted) holes in it.

Same thing happens to me every time I light up. I've been going through many packs lately:lol:.
No Bananas on my boat either. I has to do with the potasium content...I quit eating bannas in march and won't eat them again until november. I put one in my brothers tackle box once, he didn't hit a fish for two weeks:lol: The look on his face when he saw that thing was priceless.
I've got a shirt that almost gaurantees a springer on the bank, and I buy a new fishing hat for each speicies, summers, springers, winters, falls. fall fish like red hats best for some reason, summers like white, springers like earth tones with other fish on em, winters will do green, black, or white, almost never red...but I'm not superstitious or nuthin'
Seems like every fish I've got on Siltcoos or Tahkenitch in the morning in the fall for coho, it has been while I had my rod in the rod holder and decided to grab a bagel for my soon as I get that all out, bam rod goes nuts and it's fish on...4 out of the 7 times this has happened, my bagel has been sacrificed to the lake gods...which of course ultimately results in more fish :)
No golf talk! Took my folks up to Cresent Lake for a week. We were killing the kokes having a great time. They took a day off to go golfing. When we went out the next day they were talking about golf and the course they fish, no bites that day. The fish heard those golf stories and turned off cold! The next time I took them out, they each brought a golf ball and tossed it overboard and we banned golf talk from the boat. They luck returned to the boat. No Bananas either!
When I'm plunking seems that trying to eat makes em hit. I had to re spool my pole a while back and missed an eye. Filled Bfishin's smoker several times after that. I eat bananas in my boat on almost any trip that requires a lunch.
My oldest son has this thing about the net being rinsed off and broke down between fish! Can't have the handle extended!!! :naughty: Bad Mojo!
The banana thing has nothing to do with fishing, but just bad luck with the boating aspect. I've caught plenty of fish with banana's on board.

I regulary use Lemon Joy.
I make sure to NEVER make fun of anyone, cause when I do it seems they also start hooking tons of fish shortly there after.
Never spill a beer in the boat.
Mike123 said:
The banana thing has nothing to do with fishing, but just bad luck with the boating aspect. I've caught plenty of fish with banana's on board.

I regulary use Lemon Joy.
I make sure to NEVER make fun of anyone, cause when I do it seems they also start hooking tons of fish shortly there after.
Never spill a beer in the boat.

So what do I have to do to sign up for that program? Can you start making fun of me Tuesday evening around 6:00 pm or so? Do you need something to go off of...or can you just make random generaliztions? Please let me know, willing to help out in any way I can!
Kodiak said:
So what do I have to do to sign up for that program? Can you start making fun of me Tuesday evening around 6:00 pm or so? Do you need something to go off of...or can you just make random generaliztions? Please let me know, willing to help out in any way I can!

Im sure I've already made fun of you if you've fishd the S. Santiam. Hahaha
Nah Just kidding.
But seriously it's easy to make fun of people on that river, I'm sure you know why. :lol: sometimes it's just the brand of beer they are drinking, sometimes it's their fishing setup.
Never spill a beer in a boat? Shouldn't this say "Never spill a beer EVER!" :P

I've herad of the "No Banana" thing. Makes me laugh :rolleyes:

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