Steelhead 2022 show OFF

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I love getting people their first steelhead. This gal and her sister bought my jet sled and I told them I would show them how to side drift. This was our second of 3 hooked (landed 2) and her first ever steelhead. She may have been happier than she looks here; it was pretty cold this morning. Fishing is still slow but this rain may have brought a few more fish in. Both fish we landed were dime bright.

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She looks pretty happy to me. At least she is bucking the trend towards mean-mugging in fish pix.
I try to get people to at least pretend their having fun.
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Got out yesterday and brought two clipped fish to the boat. Released one dark buck and retained this little hen.
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Nice work. I've been so busy since the rain I only made it out for a couple hours yesterday late morning and got eaten alive by trout.
Quick float this morning. The rain brought this chromer up. Fell to a 16mm natural orange soft bead.

We were on and off pretty quick as my friend had to get to the airport. It was his first steelhead which is my favorite kind to catch. Great fight and quick release for those offended by the way he's holding it. I don't blame you, I was a little offended myself but he was quick about it.

He should have put his left arm forward like the Heisman pose.

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Solid looking fish his first steelhead too that was probably a great experience for him nice work 👍
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Hatchery buck first time catching one on a bead. Hooked 5 steelhead last week. Hooked 4 on the bead and one on a nightmare. Only landed this one he saved me 😂!
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Moved down to Oregon from central Washington last summer. Got my first 2 winter Steelhead on spoons. Both wild. One in February and the other today.
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One of the most colorful ones I’ve caught. I also lost a giant fish I guess to be about 18-20 pounds. It thrashed and rolled and then spit my spinner out 🥲. This other fish saved the day for me. I got it on a bead. Is it a buck or hen?
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definitely looks like a buck
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That’s a pretty war-painted up buck. Nicely done!
Finally got my first steelhead since 2/20. You'll have to take my word that I did land it. It's hard to take a picture and fish off a mossy rock all at once. Wild, 10+#-ish, on a Steelie.
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Awesome Chris!
I'm headed to "the river" this weekend.
Got me my fist ever streamer steelhead on a intruder in black and blue!
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FINALLY! After losing or missing the last EIGHT bites. Man, what a dry spell. I personally missed 4 bites but friends lost a few too (my boat so they are all mine) that should have made it to the net. This one came on the butt rod while side drifting a size 12 natural orange soft bead. Nice colored hen. Great fight with some nice runs and jumps. Feels good to be back on the board.

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3 out of 4 today. First came on the first cast about 40' into the drift. They all took orange or pink beads both soft and hard. All in the 10 or 12 size. Really fun morning on a new stretch of river I'd never fished for steelhead. I knew it well from fishing it for bass all summer when I was a kid though.
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Your on fire nice work life had some really good days on 10mm hard beads later in the season mottled orange was my favorite 👍
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Slower today but the very inexperienced fishermen I had with me today missed a few bites too. Each got one and the smaller fish was my favorite kind.....his first steelhead. I always love that.


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@jamisonace Are you a guide or are you just everyone’s favorite friend?! If you’re a guide, shoot me a PM, would love to book you one day
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