Springers in Eagle Creek?



they are in the mainstem Clack. -- MicIver Park -- eagle creek will be overrun with coho - but not until end of Sept.
No Da Creek!!

No Da Creek!!

most summer and springers won't head up eagle creek...I'd try up at the dam..lots of fish up there!!! Guys up eagle creek hatchery said they don't do springers in there anymore, just the clack hatchery.
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yeah, i remeber when I was in 5th grade we were learning about salmon and we took a field trip to eagle. and there were sooooooooo many salmon there,
But my teacher said there was very little compared to like 50 years ago. she said you could walk across the river on the salmons backs.
I saw Sockeye!

The really red kind.
There's no sockeye in eagle creek. There's a run of coho and a run of winters.
Yeah "this is the first year that they are expecting returns", they said the same thing last year. Thanks ODFW for some more misdirection..
the fish they were spotting were steelhead below the falls. guranteed..
Old colored up winter steelhead - they are trying to get some of the pressure off of the clackamas since fishing has been decent lately and their primary concern is fish making it back to the hatchery so they get their eggs.
This fall there will be rotten "springers" in the mix with the coho just like there was last year, its nothing at all to get excited about.
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Yeah "this is the first year that they are expecting returns", they said the same thing last year. Thanks ODFW for some more misdirection..
the fish they were spotting were steelhead below the falls. guranteed..
Old colored up winter steelhead - they are trying to get some of the pressure off of the clackamas since fishing has been decent lately and their primary concern is fish making it back to the hatchery so they get their eggs.
This fall there will be rotten "springers" in the mix with the coho just like there was last year, its nothing at all to get excited about.

I think they were seeing both steelhead and suckerfish. There's a ton of suckers in there all the way up to the falls, and they do kinda look like salmon/steels when they dart back and forth.
I fished Ec this morning just so that I could verify for sure. I fished every deep dark green hole in my usual 5 mile or so spot I fish regularly. I landed 5 for 6 fish on - All Steelhead...
I was wearing polarized glasses and could count the rocks on the bottom of every spot in there. Pretty low and clear.. I saw plenty of little 6lb ugly winters but there were/are no Chinook in there. In a couple spots I saw clouds of suckerfish as well.
I fished Ec this morning just so that I could verify for sure. I fished every deep dark green hole in my usual 5 mile or so spot I fish regularly. I landed 5 for 6 fish on - All Steelhead...
I was wearing polarized glasses and could count the rocks on the bottom of every spot in there. Pretty low and clear.. I saw plenty of little 6lb ugly winters but there were/are no Chinook in there. In a couple spots I saw clouds of suckerfish as well.

Thanks for the recon Osmo. That's pretty crappy that ODFW is misleading anglers like that :naughty:

I'll be hitting the Sandy this weekend! :pray:


my understanding is that they still are releasing springer smolt from up on ec - not a whole lot but i believe they do release/acclimate a small number of fish up at the hatchery. usually see em come in later with coho - see em every year.

my thought is that they hang in the mainstem clack, til later then make the final push up ec with the coho - i could be wrong, it has happen before!
I fished Ec this morning just so that I could verify for sure. I fished every deep dark green hole in my usual 5 mile or so spot I fish regularly. I landed 5 for 6 fish on - All Steelhead...
I was wearing polarized glasses and could count the rocks on the bottom of every spot in there. Pretty low and clear.. I saw plenty of little 6lb ugly winters but there were/are no Chinook in there. In a couple spots I saw clouds of suckerfish as well.

Would anyone mind giving me some advice on fishing EC? I've never been there, but I love stream fishing. Is it best fished using spinners? Would you guys recommend closer to the mouth or further up by the fern park? Thanks
Would anyone mind giving me some advice on fishing EC? I've never been there, but I love stream fishing. Is it best fished using spinners? Would you guys recommend closer to the mouth or further up by the fern park? Thanks

Right now there's not much to target in there, except for suckerfish and a few nasty steelies. End of semptember into october there will be plenty of coho. Very few LEGALLY caught fish come out of there on spinners. Drift fishing is what really dominates in that creek.
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