Spinning Steele...

Went to my favorite creek this morning...the water was in perfect shape, a little high but dropping. All the holes were full to the brim, as a spinning gear angler this is my time, flies just can't get deep enough quick enough. First hole I stop at (Bobs Hole) a very respectable CutThroat Trout.. The last hole, first cast produced a very nice Native, 29"er and quite the acrobat. Something about a Steelhead Leaping in a pool, it's like slow motion. This fish tested both my skill and my drag, very lucky to live as close as I do to this fishery. No pictures, by my self...going again in the morning with BentRod....No rain, plenty of mudd and slippery slops. Great morning on the water..

Sounds like an awesome day. I hope you have a better one tomorrow.
Sounds like your arm is better...can't beat a good day on the water. Well,a heater helps a lot this time of year. Hope you limit out today and have a ball doing it. :clap: :clap:
Good deal-I wish that I could get out today-maybe later this week
Good job man have fun again today! Think I know where you are going but I don't fully understand that ecosystem and wouldn't have thought to go up there this time of year. Good luck and maybe we will see a pic or two tonight.
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