Social Security Hole

I spent three hours at the hole this morning, and the water is clearing and going down despite last night's downpour. I froze to death in the wind and did not have any bites, but two men on either side of me both brought in nice, bright fish (plunking). I hope to be back again on Thursday or Friday- if you are there stop by and say hello.
I spent three hours at the hole this morning, and the water is clearing and going down despite last night's downpour. I froze to death in the wind and did not have any bites, but two men on either side of me both brought in nice, bright fish (plunking). I hope to be back again on Thursday or Friday- if you are there stop by and say hello.

thanks for the report bro. ill be out there for sure. gunna get some weights and glo's. can't believe they are already catching them up high.. steelhead or nooks? id like to stop by but i wont make it out there till saturday or sunday
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There's more than one "social security hole". I think he meant Polk Co. not Chetco. Chetco's closed.
That I have to believe. But until you've been on the Chetco ... Oh Boy!

But, until you've been to the Chetco!!! :D He,he,he....Fred ain't kidding!!! :lol: Right next to a retirement home...patio chair's, tables, never seen so many old people in my life!!! ;)

Social security hole....Chetco was my 1st thought as well!
And what's really scary about the Chetco SS bar is not just ..

And what's really scary about the Chetco SS bar is not just ..

the number of folks who are set up with their plunking rigs, but the block + long line up of trucks with empty boat trailers on them. In December and January the lower river is 'Loved to Death' by people fishing.

Especially Guides, especially the Guides.

Actually, Social Security as you now see it, used to be three separate runs. "Market" at the top, then SS, and now you can drive all the way down stream to "Pump House." Winter flooding and gravel fill in changed all that a few years back; the three are now one long stretch. A thought about Pump House, you can (normal water flows) access as above, but it's far better fished from the other side of the river. Tight quarters stream side, but the fish run up that side of the river so long casts really aren't that necessary.
Social Security Hole.....I think there was a thread about this a while ago with directions....I need to fish tomorrow but don't know where to go...that sounds like an idea....anyone free tomorrow that wants to go? Gonna do some research now
I spent three hours at the hole this morning, and the water is clearing and going down despite last night's downpour. I froze to death in the wind and did not have any bites, but two men on either side of me both brought in nice, bright fish (plunking). I hope to be back again on Thursday or Friday- if you are there stop by and say hello.

ej, how is it for flyfishing there. I understand the current is kind of swift but plunking boors me to death......I'm thinkin a big ugly nymph and indicator might give me, and others, some entertainment
Lilsalmon, there was a man fly fishing at the bend just a few yards away from the plunking zone in a large eddy. I agree it looks a lot more entertaining than just sitting there watching a bell. I may look like an idiot to the others, but I sit in the chair and hold the rod in my hands just for something to do...
Lilsalmon, there was a man fly fishing at the bend just a few yards away from the plunking zone in a large eddy. I agree it looks a lot more entertaining than just sitting there watching a bell. I may look like an idiot to the others, but I sit in the chair and hold the rod in my hands just for something to do...

hmmmm...Maybe I will take a drive over there and check it out...I gotta get out of this house..thanks ej
The spot I refer to is directly downstream from the plunkers at the foot of the steel stairway. I plan on being there Thursday rain or shine between 9AM-Noon or so. Good luck!
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uuhhh... isn't that eddy around the corner really deep? that would be kinda difficult to flyfish. a few feet from the bank the water isn't too swift.. it hink it' would work just fine.. if theres not too many plunkers.
I guess I won't find out today.....responsibility again took over and I am spending the day doing homework and finding a job......sometimes responsibility sucks
Went out today for three hours and one man got a bite while I was there (threw the hook before the set) and one was landed next to me (springer). There were 6 people fishing there today...I would hate to see it on a weekend!
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