SAT. March 14th

I'll be heading up to the trap on the Siletz. Probably going to be my last winter trip for the year. I'm usually pretty good about keeping maybe 1 fish but this is going to be a "meat trip". I will have the whole day for a change and am willing to help others get into fish, learn to read water, whatever.
You can count me in too if there's still room. After repeated attempts, I still haven't managed to hook into a steelhead yet and have been dying for the experience. I have a ride, the appropriate tackle, and a thirst for knowledge and delicious fish :D
Yep there is room

Yep there is room

Still plenty of room. There is a lot of river in there. We should be all able to hook up in there.
Hey, does that guy with super long hair, that works on Toyotas still live in Mill City? Right near the gas station on the Hwy? I know he used to work for the guy who owns the local tow company... Or at least knows him. If so, I would rock out on the Siletz with you guys. I am going to be rockin Pocket Gophers on Friday, and I will crash with his neighboer if I can get a hold of him.
My plan is to wind up in Newport for some jetty fishing and crabbing Saturday afternoon and evening. Y'all are welcome to join my girlfriend and I to slay some saltwater fishes and sea roombas.
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What the heck is a sea roombas?

Crabs ;)

:lol::lol::lol:sea roombas. touche':lol:
Are you pole fishing from the bank for those? I hit ft bragg (ca) two weekends ago and it was really slow that day, I thought maybe they are starting to move back out.
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