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Gotta love those boat guys that trip over their own a*ses, trying to hit every hole ahead of you, drifting down the river.They are so busy,they paddle right on by the fish!This was the case sunday on the santiam,when we came across a huge mass of bright spring nook,jumping, rolling and acting a-fool.We had planned to target summer steel, so our gear was kinda undersized,but what,me worry?lets do it! first cast,jig, fish on! zzz zzz zzzzzzzzip.......gone.DOH! Second fish,spinner,huge run,spooled and back again,again the heartbreaking moment when the line suddenly goes slack.
Third fish,eggs,same huge run,me stumbling and bumbling to keep up,get the bright beauty to my feet,out comes the hook,gone
.This goes on all afternoon,believe it or not,eight fish hooked,eight fish with a knack for hook tossing.:shock:we give up and paddle down, tired and defeated,but happy to have had a good time. I had to go back today,this time with the proper size hooks and spinners.Third cast on the rainbow Blue Fox,WHAMMO!Santiam spring nookie,this time shes going home with me!