Santiam near Jefferson

Has anyone been fishing for coho near Jefferson? Just wondering how the coho fishing is there.
I second this question.
Haven't really heard of anyone pullin any coho out of either of the Santiams. Been down to the rest area a few times to check things out but never see anything rolling.
Fished downstream from Jefferson on thursday, hooked some fish... smallmouth! Drifted eggs and shrimp under bobber and threw a spinner that the smallies apparently loved. didn't see any signs of coho though.
I went out there last weekend and didn't see anything around green bridge. Talked to some guys in a drift boat who said they were stacked by jefferson but didn't see any evidence of that.
I got a couple by the confluence...

bcanini said:
I got a couple by the confluence...


Any tips to how you were fishing? I was thinking of putting my drift boat in but I have no idea of how to even fish for them... Im a salmon newbie.
I fished em just like I do steelies up there, bobber and eggs and sidedrifting.

About 90% of all the coho coming up the santiams are headed for the south fork. I would fish below the bridge deadline in Lebanon, it's perfect holding water for coho and good access, plus the numbers will be better there.
this is news to me I'm from lebanon and I've never heard of people fishing for coho in the south santiam. Interesting. I thought that the only cohos in there were just random wanderers
Kodiak said:
About 90% of all the coho coming up the santiams are headed for the south fork. I would fish below the bridge deadline in Lebanon, it's perfect holding water for coho and good access, plus the numbers will be better there.

Have you witnessed coho in these waters? I thought almost all of them turned way down there and went up Crabtree creek?
Niether the north or south have averry big run, a couple hundred fish apiece is all. Hardly any Coho turn up crabtree creek or thomas creek, there are a couple of creeks upstream of lebanon that they do turn up. Last year we counted just under 300 pair. Hopefully these fish have been wild long enough that we will have around 6% growth over the next few years and get a real run of coho established. Thats why I keep preaching to leave them alone. If we can keep ourselves from piliging the resorce in 6yrs we might have a run of 2-5,000 fish between the north and south forks, thats my hope anyway.
Crabtree Creek

Crabtree Creek

Kodiak. I agree with all you say except about Crabtree Creek. Crabtree will have a bigger run than you think.

bigfootfish said:
Kodiak. I agree with all you say except about Crabtree Creek. Crabtree will have a bigger run than you think.


This is what I've heard in the past too. Just from old timers who live near the creek said there used to be so many salmon in there you could pitch fork them.
Coho in Crabtree Creek

Coho in Crabtree Creek

Crabtree Creek, and Thomas used to have great trout fishing back as recently as the 1960s, plus a decent run of Steelhead and Chinook. Overfishing resulted in the current rules in force there. I crossed paths with some ODFW fish surveyors who did a baby Chinook survey this last summer of Crabtree Creek up to ten miles upstream from the Wayerhouser gate on Snow Peak Mainline. They found lots of baby Chinook but were very surprised to find an abundance of baby Coho, as the ODFW never planted Coho up there. So the Coho are self-planters. Thomas may have a similar run of Coho. We are all waiting to see how many Silvers up Crabtree.

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bigfootfish said:
Crabtree Creek, and Thomas used to have great trout fishing back as recently as the 1960s, plus a decent run of Steelhead and Chinook. Overfishing resulted in the current rules in force there. I crossed paths with some ODFW fish surveyors who did a baby Chinook survey this last summer of Crabtree Creek up to ten miles upstream from the Wayerhouser gate on Snow Peak Mainline. They found lots of baby Chinook but were very surprised to find an abundance of baby Coho, as the ODFW never planted Coho up there. So the Coho are self-planters. Thomas may have a similar run of Coho. We are all waiting to see how many Cokes go up Crabtree.


Hmmm... very interesting. I wonder if any go up Wiley Creek?

Do you call Coho Cokes? haha... I thought that's what everyone called Kokanee. Kokes. I call them HO's. :lol:
Mike123 said:
Hmmm... very interesting. I wonder if any go up Wiley Creek?

Do you call Coho Cokes? haha... I thought that's what everyone called Kokanee. Kokes. I call them HO's. :lol:

yes they do:D


Ok Coho not Cokes. Don't know about Wiley. Wondering about Schafer Creek near Lacomb and, of course, McDowell Creek.

bigfootfish said:
Ok Coho not Cokes. Don't know about Wiley. Wondering about Schafer Creek near Lacomb and, of course, McDowell Creek.


Remember it's closed above the bridge in lebanon at the park.
Of course.


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