North Santiam success


Well-known member
Lilsalmon got her first steelhead:clap::clap::clap:she was tossin spinners and after about five minutes she got a hit and her pole darn near bent all the way into the water.....he made a couple runs and as she brought him into the bank,,,he broke off,,,,,right at her feet....thats a catch in my book...the river was a little high but not bad at all,,,,im glad its finally coming into shape....GOOD JOB LILSALMON:dance::dance::dance:
There's over 1900 fish over the falls, and there's been a few caught near Salem, but every one has been a native.


WooHoo! :dance: Way to go lilsalmon! :clap: :clap: Now you are going to be in hot pursuit of steel for years to come! :D Congratulations!!!
It was sweet!!!!!!!!!! Somewhere there is a bigun with a chartreuse Vibric hanging out of its mouth.....sorry....I want that back...went and bought 2 more...:dance:
Way to go! Now you're hooked forever. Sorry, this is one addiction that you'll never beat. Also, I blame the whole thing on bigsteel.
hah....I am hooked...been for awhile....just will bide my time and keep trying....bigsteel picked the spot so I can't blame if we are talking about the big trout last summer....that was his fault...:D
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